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Air-based food could replace soy and meat


Scientists at Solar Foods, a company linked to the VTT Technical Research Center and the Lappeeranta University of Technology, both from Finland, are producing a new food made from air and water substances and manufactured in a process that uses electricity. This food was named by scientists as Solein and has the appearance of wheat flour, however, it has no flavor at all.

The head of Solar Foods, Pasi Vainikka, believes that the way conventional foods, like soy, are produced today generates a lot of pollution in the environment, because to obtain these foods it is necessary to cultivate lands where there was native forest.

The researcher also says that the creation of animals for the production of meat and milk for human consumption is one of the factors responsible for the greenhouse effect, which is why he invested in the elaboration and wants to expand the production of Salein, as it is a protein-rich food, capable of to feed many people, even in small quantities, as well as being a viable option for vegans.

How air food is produced

The company Solar Foods is investing more and more in the production of a food rich in proteins, called Solein, with an aspect similar to wheat flour, but with an imperceptible flavor so that it can be added in other foods such as pasta, bread and vegetables. This new food is produced from the growth of microbes in a tank with liquids, in a process similar to beer fermentation.

However, unlike brewing in which microbes feed on sugar, the Solar Foods microbe develops mainly with the aid of hydrogen air bubbles and carbon dioxide, which is why Solein was nicknamed air food. These gases are added to the liquid with microbe through the action of a bioreactor powered by electric energy and, after that, vitamins and nutrients, such as potassium, sodium and phosphorus are added.

The head of Solar Foods says that Solein production is 100 times better for the environment than meat production and 10 times less aggressive than soybean cultivation, so this researcher believes that the new food could replace meat and soy as soon as it starts to be commercialized.

What is missing to market

Solar Foods wants the air food to be available for purchase as early as 2021, but before that it is necessary to guarantee more investments to increase the company's production capacity and it is also necessary to have the approval of the competent government agencies for human consumption.

Professor Tomas Linder, from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, who specializes in microbiology, has been following rumors about the sale of Solein in the coming years, but says it is important to conduct further studies to better understand whether this new food actually reduces carbon emissions. and also informs that for the amount of Solein needed to feed many people, it will be necessary to build huge bioreactors and this would increase the emission of cabono, instead of decreasing it.

Air-based food could replace soy and meat