Home Bulls Foods for perfect skin

Foods for perfect skin


The foods for perfect skin are mainly vegetables, legumes and fruits, because these foods are rich in antioxidants, which protect skin cells against free radicals.

In addition, fatty fish such as sardines and salmon, for example, are rich in omega 3, which besides contributing to the maintenance of lipids in the skin, is also a very useful anti-inflammatory in the prevention and treatment of cases such as acne, allergies and psoriasis.

Examples of food properties
Beta-carotenes Carrot, papaya, mango, bell pepper, sweet potato, pumpkin, broccoli and spinach Protects skin from UVA AND UVB rays, leaving skin beautiful and golden
Vitamin C Orange, kiwi, lemon, tangerine Important for the formation of collagen, which contributes to a healthy and firm skin
Omega 6 Hazelnut, almond, walnuts, flax seeds Helps repair skin and strengthen skin barrier
Omega 3 Sardine, salmon Contributes to the maintenance of skin lipids and prevents acne and the development of psoriasis and skin allergies
Anti-oxidants Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, pineapple Prevent premature aging
Theobromine Cocoa Has photoprotective action, preventing the formation of stains
Vitamin E Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds Helps nourish, repair skin and strengthen skin barrier
Selenium Marine foods, red meats and Brazil nuts Has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant action

In feeding for perfect skin, in addition to these foods, it is essential to maintain adequate hydration, so it is recommended to ingest 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. Watch the following video and find out which foods have the most water in their composition:

Foods for every skin type

Although it is important to eat a varied diet, there are foods that, consumed in greater quantities, can help to improve certain characteristics of the skin of the face, such as acne, blemishes, sagging or dry skin, for example. If you have doubts about your skin type, find out through the online test.

1. Skin with acne

Foods that help prevent and improve acne are salmon, sardines, tuna and chia seeds, for example, because they are rich in omega 3, which has an anti-inflammatory action, reducing the inflammation and redness characteristic of acne. Learn more about treating acne.

In addition, foods rich in selenium, such as marine foods, meats and Brazil nuts, for example, contribute to reducing inflammation. Like selenium, copper also has a local antibiotic action, and can be found in foods like shellfish, liver and whole grains, helping to fight acne.

On the other hand, foods such as chocolate, nuts, dairy products, sugars, fatty and spicy foods, for example, can make the skin more oily and, therefore, should be avoided.

2. Dry skin

Foods that help improve dry skin are those that have a good amount of water in their composition, such as radishes, tomatoes, watermelons and melons, as this type of skin is more susceptible to losing water and becoming dehydrated.. Hydration can also be achieved by drinking water and teas.

In addition, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, peanuts and Brazil nuts are also important foods for dry skin, because they are rich in vitamin E and omega 6, which help to repair and nourish the skin and strengthen the skin barrier. Know what can make your skin dry.

3. Flabby skin

Some examples of foods that can help prevent sagging skin, as well as the development of wrinkles are orange, lemon, kiwi, mandarin and other citrus fruits, because they contain vitamin C, which contributes to the production of collagen, which helps maintain the firmness of the skin.

In addition, green tea, berries, pineapple, strawberries and other foods rich in antioxidants also help prevent premature aging. Learn more about preventing sagging in the face.

Foods rich in magnesium, selenium and zinc, also contribute to a firmer skin, because they protect cells against aggression by free radicals, prevent sagging tissues and favor cell renewal. Examples of foods with these minerals are nuts, corn, carrots, whole grains, Brazil nuts, red meat, seaweed and oysters, for example.

4. Skin with spots

An ally of the skin with spots or with a tendency for the appearance of spots is cocoa, as it has theobromine in its composition, which has a photo protective action.

In addition, beta-carotenes are essential, since in addition to being antioxidants, they also protect the skin from UV rays. Beta carotenes can be found in foods such as papaya, mango, carrots, spinach and broccoli, for example.

Also find out which products can help lighten skin blemishes.

Check out in the following video, some tips to maintain a beautiful and healthy skin:

Foods for perfect skin