Home Symptoms 4 Worst Food Combinations That Cause Gases

4 Worst Food Combinations That Cause Gases


Foods that cause gases such as beans and cabbage have a high amount of fiber and carbohydrates that ferment a lot during digestion and, therefore, have a greater tendency to cause gases, especially stinky ones. However, intestinal intolerance to these foods is very personal, so not everyone can have gas when eating the same meal.

Foods rich in fats and proteins, such as meats and nuts, are not fermented in the intestine and therefore produce less gas.

List of foods that cause gases

The main foods that can cause gases include:

  • Legumes: peas, lentils, chickpeas, beans; Green vegetables: cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage; Foods rich in fructose: artichoke, onion, pears, wheat and soft drinks; Lactose, the natural milk sugar; Starchy foods: corn, pasta and potatoes; Foods rich in soluble fiber: oat bran and fruits; Whole grains: brown rice, oat flour and whole wheat flour; Sorbitol and xylitol, which are natural sweeteners; Eggs.

When eating these foods, symptoms such as bloated belly, abdominal pain and flatulence may appear. The foods that cause gas in the baby are the same as in the list mentioned above. When babies are being breastfed, it is often enough for the mother to reduce the intake of these foods to help reduce gas and colic in her children.

Worst combinations of foods that cause gases

Some of the worst combinations that most encourage gas formation are:

  1. Beans + cabbage; Brown rice + egg + broccoli salad; Milk + fruit + sweetener based on sorbitol or xylitol; Eggs + meat + sweet potato.

These combinations make digestion slower, leaving the food to ferment for a longer time in the intestine, which will generate more gases. In addition, people who already suffer from constipation should also avoid these combinations, because, in general, the slower the intestinal transit, the greater the production of flatulence.

How to fight gases naturally

To help fight gases naturally, some easy tips that can be used are to avoid drinking liquids during meals, to speed up digestion, to take 1 natural yogurt a day to improve the intestinal flora, and to eat pineapple or papaya for dessert, as they are fruits that favor digestion.

In addition, teas such as fennel, gentian and cardomomo also help to reduce gas production, relieving the feeling of intestinal bloating.

See other tips on how to improve gases with food by watching the following video:

4 Worst Food Combinations That Cause Gases