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What to eat against tiredness


Some foods, such as bananas, avocados and peanuts, have properties that help fight fatigue, improving the disposition for everyday tasks. They contribute to the relaxation of the organism by promoting a good night's sleep, thus restoring energy for the next day.

In addition, having a light meal at dinner with cooked food, low in fat and without pepper or other condiments also contributes to a relaxing evening, which is essential to combat tiredness.

Foods that fight mental tiredness

Foods that fight mental tiredness are mainly:

  • Passion fruit, avocado, banana, cherry LettuceCinnamonLemongrass teaHoneyPeanuts

These foods should be consumed 2 to 3 times a day, for example, lettuce in the lunch salad, banana with cinnamon in the snack and cherry juice before going to sleep. If after a week or two of eating a diet rich in these foods the tiredness does not decrease, it is advisable to consult a doctor to check if there is any health problem.

Other foods, such as coffee, green tea or guarana help to stimulate the central nervous system by giving more energy and, therefore, they must be consumed before 17 h to not cause insomnia and impair rest during the night.

Foods that fight physical tiredness

Foods that fight physical tiredness are mainly:

  • Foods rich in B vitamins: beer yeast, liver, meats and eggs, because they help cells to have more energy. Foods rich in magnesium: pumpkin seeds, almonds, tofu, chard, spinach, black beans and oats, which they facilitate the contraction of the muscles and, therefore, they also help to reduce physical tiredness.

Recipes against tiredness

Check out 3 recipes that can help you feel better.

1. Açaí with banana

Eat a bowl of acai because it provides energy quickly and is rich in iron which helps fight anemia by increasing the production of red blood cells in the blood.


  • In a large bowl, whisk together the coconut oil, salt and pepper, and season with salt and pepper.

Method of preparation

Beat all the ingredients in the blender for 3 minutes, store in the refrigerator for a few moments and when serving, add some granola seeds in the mixture.

This bowl of açaí in a bowl with granola is super caloric, and should be consumed in moderation by those who are easy to put on weight, but it is great to be taken after strenuous exercise.

2. Orange juice with papaya

This recipe is great for fighting fatigue because it contains a good dose of iron and vitamin C that increase the mood and are a natural invigorator.


  • 1 slice of melon1 orange papaya papaya

Method of preparation

Beat all ingredients in a blender and then drink. Take this juice daily and wait 1 month to evaluate the result. If tiredness remains, you should see a doctor for a blood test to check for hemoglobin, iron and ferritin.

3. Orange juice with strawberry

This recipe is also rich in iron and vitamin C, being very useful to fight fatigue caused by anemia.


  • 3 oranges1 cup of strawberries ½ cup of water (if necessary)

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender and take it next. This juice must be taken daily and releases bioflavanoids, also promoting well-being.

What can cause excessive tiredness

Excessive tiredness can be related to several causes, both physical and psychological. For example, extreme tiredness and body pain can be caused by lack of sleep or heart problems, while excessive tiredness and lack of appetite can be caused by a case of depression. Extreme tiredness and shortness of breath are usually symptoms of respiratory infection, such as a respiratory infection.

Thus, excessive tiredness can be caused by:

  • Excessive physical work; Lack of vitamins; Stress, Depression, Anxiety disorder; Anemia, Heart failure, Infections; Pregnancy.

Generally, sedentary people are the ones who most complain of tiredness, because the most important thing is to eat right and exercise regularly. If you suspect that tiredness may be related to some disease, check which diseases can cause excessive tiredness.

Excessive tiredness is also common in pregnancy, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, as the body at this stage undergoes many changes at the physical and hormonal level, causing greater expenditure of energy and decreasing sugar levels. Thus, to avoid excessive tiredness, the pregnant woman must eat well, drink plenty of fluids and rest during the day.

What to eat against tiredness