Home Bulls 10 Foods That Improve Heart Health

10 Foods That Improve Heart Health


Foods that are good for the heart and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke or heart attack are those rich in antioxidant substances, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats and fibers, such as olive oil, garlic, oats, tomatoes and sardines, for example..

In addition to taking care of the diet, it is also important to practice physical activity at least 3 times a week, as it brings benefits such as stimulating blood circulation, improving cardiovascular condition and stimulating the appearance of new blood vessels, which reduces the chances of serious sequelae. in cases of heart attack or stroke.

1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is rich in good fats and antioxidants that increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol, improving blood circulation and helping to prevent atherosclerosis. To include it in the diet, you can add 1 tablespoon of olive oil over the food for lunch and dinner, and use it to season salad or fry eggs, for example. Learn how to choose the best olive oil from the supermarket.

2. Red wine

Red wine is rich in resveratrol, an antioxidant polyphenol that helps reduce problems like heart disease, improve cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation. Resveratrol is also present in the seeds and skins of purple grapes, and is also present in whole grape juice.

The ideal is to consume 1 glass of red wine per day, with about 150 to 200 ml for women, and up to 300 ml for men.

3. Garlic

Garlic has been used for many centuries as a curative food, and its main benefits are to maintain the health of blood vessels during aging, help control diabetes and cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, prevent prostate cancer and act as an antifungal. See ways to use garlic to protect your heart.

4. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is a seed rich in fiber and omega-3, a type of polyunsaturated fat that helps to reduce cholesterol, improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation. In order to absorb its fat, flaxseed must be consumed in the form of flour, as the intestine cannot digest the entire seed. You also have the option of using supplements in capsules with flaxseed oil.

When the whole seed is consumed, its fibers remain intact, helping to combat constipation. Flaxseed flour can be added over fruit for breakfast or snacks, placed in yogurt, salads and vitamins. See more about flaxseed oil.

5. Red fruits

Red fruits like strawberry, acerola, guava, blackberry, jabuticaba, watermelon, plum, raspberry and goji berry are rich in antioxidants that help prevent atherosclerosis, a disease that clogs blood vessels over time and that can cause problems such as infarction and Stroke.

In addition, these fruits are also rich in vitamin C, lycopene, B vitamins and fiber, nutrients that help prevent problems such as cancer and premature aging. Discover all the benefits of these fruits.

6. Oats

Oats are a grain rich in fiber, which help control cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose, which is blood sugar. These fibers also stimulate bowel function and the maintenance of a healthy flora, which is essential to prevent diseases such as cancer and improve blood circulation.

To obtain its benefits, you should consume 1 to 2 tablespoons of oats a day, which can be included in vitamins, fruit salads, porridges or recipes for cakes and cookies.

7. Tomato

Tomatoes are very rich in lycopene, one of the most powerful antioxidants that works in the body to improve circulation and prevent serious problems, such as cancer and atherosclerosis. Lycopene is available mainly when the tomato is heated, as is the case with tomato sauces, for example.

Using tomatoes in food is very easy, as it fits in several types of salads, stews, juices and sauces, combining with practically all types of dishes.

8. Sardines, tuna and salmon

Sardines, tuna and salmon are examples of fish rich in omega-3, a nutrient that is present in the fat of saltwater fish. Omega-3 is a good fat that helps regulate cholesterol levels, improving good cholesterol and helping to prevent atherosclerosis.

In addition, it also reduces inflammation of the body as a whole, and these fish should be included in the diet at least 3 times a week. Discover other foods rich in omega-3s.

9. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate, from 70% cocoa, has health benefits for having a high content of cocoa, which adds good fats and antioxidants to chocolate. These nutrients work in the body by improving blood pressure, preventing the formation of atheromatous plaques that clog blood vessels and improving blood sugar levels.

To obtain these benefits, it is recommended to consume about 3 squares of dark chocolate per day, which is equivalent to about 30 g.

10. Avocado

Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fat, which is able to raise good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, avocado is also rich in carotenoids, potassium and folic acid, nutrients that improve blood circulation.

Avocado can be used in vitamins, salads or consumed in the form of guacamole, which is a delicious salty recipe with this fruit. See how to do it here.

In addition to consuming these foods in the diet, it is also important to avoid the consumption of foods rich in sugar, white flour and bad fats, such as sausage, sausage, ham, cakes, sweets and snacks. To help, see 10 healthy exchanges to help protect the heart.

10 Foods That Improve Heart Health