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Know what foods to avoid in order not to harm your night's sleep


Coffee, chocolate, green tea, guarana or energy drinks, are some energetic and stimulating foods that can harm the night's sleep, causing insomnia or difficulty falling asleep. Here's how to schedule a good night's sleep.

Most of these foods to avoid are rich in caffeine, a stimulant of the Central Nervous System, which causes psychic stimuli by increasing the availability of Glucose to the brain. In order not to interfere with sleep, stimulating or caffeine-containing foods should be avoided at least 4 hours before going to bed.

10 Foods That Take Sleep

Some foods that can get you sleepy are:

  • Coffee, Chocolate; Mate tea, black tea or green tea; Soft drinks like Coca-Cola; Guarana powder; Energy drinks like Red Bull, Gatorade, Fusion, TNT, FAB or Monster, for example; Pepper or ginger;

These foods are a good option for waking up and preventing sleep, which help to keep the brain awake to perform demanding activities such as studying or working late.

The important thing is to avoid these foods close to bedtime, in order to avoid sleeplessness or sleepless nights, and their excessive consumption can increase stress and anxiety. Close to bedtime, it is recommended to bet on consuming teas that help ensure a good night's sleep, such as Lavender, Hops or Passion fruit tea, for example.

When should not be consumed

In some situations, stimulating or caffeinated foods are contraindicated, and should not be consumed when there is:

  • History of insomnia; Excessive stress; Anxiety problems; Heart disease or problems;

In addition, foods with caffeine can also enhance the appearance of stomach problems, such as poor digestion, heartburn, stomach pain or excess acidity, in more sensitive people.

Some people may mistake these stimulating foods for energy foods, but they are different. Watch the following video and learn how to distinguish these foods:

Know what foods to avoid in order not to harm your night's sleep