Home Bulls Foods that prevent diabetes

Foods that prevent diabetes


The daily consumption of some foods, such as oats, peanuts, wheat and olive oil helps to prevent type 2 diabetes because they control the level of glucose in the blood and lower cholesterol, promoting well-being and quality of life.

Eating these high fiber foods is especially important for individuals who have close relatives with diabetes because despite having no cure, diabetes can be prevented simply with a healthy lifestyle.

Some foods that prevent diabetes are:

  • Oats: the amount of fiber in this food helps to keep the blood glucose level stable Peanuts: has a low glycemic index, which helps to prevent diabetes Olive oil: has antioxidants that help fight cholesterol and diabetes Whole wheat: this food is rich in B vitamins and fiber, which prevent cholesterol and improve the glycemic curve of the meal Soy: it is a food rich in proteins, fibers and carbohydrates, preventing cardiovascular diseases. By having a low glycemic level, it helps prevent diabetes as well.

In addition to eating the right foods, it is important to follow some general guidelines such as eating every 3 hours, avoiding large meals, being at the ideal weight and exercising regularly.

How to prevent Type 1 diabetes?

Preventing type 1 diabetes is not possible because this type of diabetes is genetic. The child is born with type 1 diabetes, even if this was not noticed at birth.

In the case of type 1 diabetes, it is very common for there to be a history of diabetes in the family and it is important to note whether the child has symptoms of diabetes such as excessive thirst, urinating often and dry mouth despite drinking water. See the full list of symptoms at: Diabetes symptoms.

Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed between 10 and 14 years of age, but it can appear at any age. Treatment includes insulin intake, diet and exercise. More details about treatment in: Treatment for diabetes.

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Foods that prevent diabetes