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Foods rich in beta-carotene


Foods rich in beta-carotene are of vegetable origin, usually orange and yellow in color, such as carrots, apricots, mangoes, squashes or cantaloupe melons.

Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that contributes to the strengthening of the immune system, being very important in preventing diseases. In addition, it also contributes to healthier and more beautiful skin, as it helps to protect your skin from the sun and improve your tan.

The following table shows some of the foods richest in beta-carotene and the respective amount:

Foods rich in beta-carotene Beta carotene (mcg) Energy in 100 g
Acerola 2600 33 calories
Tommy sleeve 1400 51 calories
Melon 2200 29 calories
Watermelon 470 33 calories
Beautiful papaya 610 45 calories
Peach 330 51.5 calories
Guava 420 54 calories
Passion fruit 610 64 calories
Broccoli 1600 37 calories
Pumpkin 2200 48 calories
Carrot 2900 30 calories
Kale butter 3800 90 calories
Tomato juice 540 11 calories
Tomato extract 1100 61 calories
Spinach 2400 22 calories

In addition to being present in food, beta-carotene can also be found in pharmacies or natural stores, in the form of a supplement, in capsules.

What is the relationship between beta-carotene and tan

Foods rich in beta-carotene help the skin to have a healthier and longer-lasting bronze because, in addition to giving a tone to the skin, due to the color they present, they also help to protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays, preventing flaking and premature aging of the skin.

To feel this effect of beta-carotene on your tan, you should consume, approximately 2 or 3 times a day, foods rich in beta-carotene, at least 7 days before the first exposure to the sun, and on days when there is exposure to the sun.

In addition, beta-carotene capsules help to supplement the diet and protect the skin, however, they should only be used with the advice of a doctor or nutritionist and never dispense with the use of sunscreen.

See also the health benefits of other carotenoids.

What can cause excess beta-carotene

Excess consumption of beta-carotene, both in capsules and in food, can turn the skin orange, which is also a condition known as carotenemia, which is harmless and returns to normal with the reduction of consumption of these foods.

See a recipe rich in foods with beta-carotene in the following video:

Foods rich in beta-carotene