Home Symptoms aspartic acid: what it is for and rich foods

aspartic acid: what it is for and rich foods


Aspartic acid is present mainly in protein-rich foods, such as meat, fish, chicken and eggs. In the body, it acts to stimulate the production of energy in the cells, strengthen the immune system and increase the production of testosterone, a male hormone that helps to increase muscle mass.

Thus, the aspartic acid supplement can be used by those who practice weight training, serving mainly to stimulate muscle mass gain or by men with problems having children, as testosterone also increases male fertility. However, further studies are needed and it is important to remember that its beneficial effects occur mainly in men who have low testosterone production.

Foods rich in Aspartic Acid

List of foods rich in Aspartic Acid

The main foods rich in aspartic acid are mainly foods that are sources of animal proteins, such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, but other foods that also bring good amounts of this amino acid are:

  • Oil fruits: cashew nuts, Brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts; Fruits: avocado, plums, banana, peach, apricot, coconut; Pea; Cereals: corn, rye, barley, whole wheat; Vegetables: onion, garlic, mushroom, beet, eggplant.

In addition, it can also be purchased as a supplement in nutrition stores, with prices around 65 to 90 reais, it is important to be consumed according to the guidance of the doctor or nutritionist.

Quantity in food

The following table shows the amount of aspartic acid present in 100 g of each food:

Food B.C. Aspartic Food B.C. Aspartic
Beef Steak 3.4 g Peanut 3.1 g
Codfish 6.4 g Bean 3.1 g
Soy meat 6.9 g Salmon 3.1 g
Sesame 3.7 g Chicken breast 3.0 g
Pig 2.9 g Corn 0.7 g

In general, consumption of aspartic acid from natural foods does not cause side effects in the body, but excessive consumption of the supplement of this amino acid can have harmful health consequences, as shown below.

Side effects

The consumption of aspartic acid, especially in the form of supplements, can cause side effects such as irritability and erectile dysfunction in men, and the development of male characteristics in women, such as increased hair production and changes in the voice.

In order to avoid these effects, medical monitoring and the use of supplements for more than 12 consecutive weeks should be avoided.

Meet 10 other supplements to gain muscle mass.

aspartic acid: what it is for and rich foods