Home Symptoms Isoleucine-rich foods

Isoleucine-rich foods


Isoleucine is used by the body especially to build muscle tissue. Isoleucine, leucine and valine are branched-chain amino acids and are better absorbed and used by the body in the presence of B vitamins, such as beans or soy lecithin.

Nutritional supplements rich in isoleucine, leucine and valine are also rich in B vitamins. Therefore, they improve absorption and utilization by the body, enhancing muscle growth.

Isoleucine-rich foods

Other foods rich in Isoleucine

List of foods rich in Isoleucine

The main foods rich in Isoleucine are:

  • Cashews, Brazil nuts, pecans, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, sesame; Pumpkin, potatoes; Eggs; Milk and milk products, peas, black beans.

Isoleucine is an essential amino acid and, therefore, the dietary sources of this amino acid are important, as the body cannot produce it.

The recommended daily dose of isoleucine is approximately 1.3 g per day for a 70 kg individual, for example.

Isoleucine Functions

The main functions of the amino acid isoleucine are: to increase the formation of hemoglobin; prevent the kidney from losing vitamin B3 or niacin; and help regulate blood sugar levels.

The lack of isoleucine can cause muscle tiredness and, therefore, it must be ingested after physical exercise for muscle recovery.

Isoleucine-rich foods