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Amount of selenium in source foods


Foods rich in Selenium are mainly Brazil nuts, wheat, rice, egg yolks, sunflower seeds and chicken. Selenium is a mineral present in the soil and, therefore, its amount in food varies according to the richness of the soil in that mineral.

The recommended amount of selenium for an adult is 55 micrograms per day, and its adequate consumption is important for functions such as strengthening the immune system and maintaining a good production of thyroid hormones. See all the benefits here.

Amount of Selenium in foods

The following table shows the amount of selenium present in 100 g of each food:

Foods Amount of Selenium Energy
Brazil nut 4000 mcg 699 calories
Wheat flour 42 mcg 360 calories
French bread 25 mcg 269 ​​calories
Egg yolk 20 mcg 352 calories
Cooked chicken 7 mcg 169 calories
Egg white 6 mcg 43 calories
Rice 4 mcg 364 calories
Powdered milk 3 mcg 440 calories
Bean 3 mcg 360 calories
Garlic 2 mcg 134 calories
Cabbage 2 mcg 25 calories

The selenium present in foods of animal origin is better absorbed by the intestine when compared to vegetable selenium, it is important to vary the diet to obtain a good amount of this mineral.

Selenium Benefits

Selenium plays important roles in the body, such as:

  • Act as an antioxidant, preventing diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis; Participate in the metabolism of thyroid hormones; Detoxify the body from heavy metals; Strengthen the immune system; Improve male fertility.

To have the benefits of selenium for health a good tip is to eat a Brazil nut per day, which in addition to selenium also has vitamin E and contributes to the health of the skin, nails and hair. See other benefits of Brazil nuts.

Recommended quantity

The recommended amount of selenium varies according to gender and age, as shown below:

  • Babies from 0 to 6 months: 15 mcg Babies from 7 months to 3 years: 20 mcg Children from 4 to 8 years: 30 mcg Young people from 9 to 13 years: 40 mcg From 14 years old: 55 mcg Pregnant women: 60 mcg Breastfeeding women: 70 mcg

By eating a balanced and varied diet, it is possible to obtain the recommended amounts of selenium naturally through food. Its supplementation should only be done with the guidance of the doctor or nutritionist, as its excess can cause harm to health.

Amount of selenium in source foods