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Foods rich in vitamin a


Foods rich in Vitamin A are mainly liver, egg yolk and fish oils. Vegetables such as carrots, spinach, mango and papaya are also good sources of this vitamin because they contain carotenoids, a substance that in the body will be transformed into vitamin A.

Vitamin A has functions such as maintaining the health of vision, skin and hair, strengthening the immune system and ensuring the proper functioning of the reproductive organs. Because it is an antioxidant, it is also important for preventing premature aging, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

List of foods rich in vitamin A

The table below shows the amount of vitamin A present in 100 g of food:

Foods rich in animal vitamin A Vitamin A (mcg)
Cod liver oil 30000
Grilled cow liver 14200
Grilled chicken liver 4900
Cottage cheese 653
Butter with salt 565
Steamed seafood 171
Boiled egg 170
Cooked oysters 146
Whole cow milk 56
Semi-skimmed natural yogurt 30
Foods rich in plant-based vitamin A Vitamin A (mcg)
Raw carrot 2813
Cooked sweet potatoes 2183
Cooked carrot 1711
Cooked spinach 778
Raw spinach 550
Mango 389
Cooked pepper 383
Cooked chard 313
Raw chili 217
Prune 199
Cooked broccoli 189
Melon 167
Papaya 135
Tomato 85
Avocado 66
Cooked beets 20

Vitamin A can also be found in supplements such as fish liver oil, which can be used in cases of vitamin A deficiency, following medical or nutritionist guidance. Symptoms of a lack of vitamin A can manifest with skin lesions, frequent infections and night blindness, which is the difficulty of adapting vision in places with low light. Usually the damage caused by the lack of vitamin A is reversible, and vitamin supplements should be taken to supply the deficiency, according to medical advice.

Recommended daily dose of vitamin A

Vitamin A needs vary according to the stage of life:

  • Babies from 0 to 6 months: 400 mcg / dayBabies from 6 to 12 months: 500 mcg / dayChildren from 1 to 3 years: 300 mcg / dayKids from 4 to 8 years: 400 mcg / dayBoys from 9 to 13 years: 600 mcg / diaGirls from 9 to 13 years old: 600 mcg / dayMen from 14 years old: 900 mcg / day Women from 14 years old: 700 mcg / dayPregnants: 750 to 770 mcg / dayLittle infants: 1200 to 1300 mcg / day

These values ​​are the minimum amount of vitamin A that should be taken daily to maintain the proper functioning of the body.

A diversified diet is sufficient to achieve the recommended daily dose of vitamin A, so care must be taken when using vitamin supplements without medical or nutritionist guidance, as excess vitamin A also causes health damage. Some of the symptoms related to the excess of this vitamin are headaches, tiredness, blurred vision, drowsiness, nausea, loss of appetite, itching and flaking of the skin and hair loss.

Foods rich in vitamin a