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Foods rich in vitamin b1


Foods rich in vitamin B1, thiamine, such as oat flakes, sunflower seeds or brewer's yeast, for example, help improve carbohydrate metabolism and regulate energy expenditure.

In addition, consuming foods rich in vitamin B1 can be a way to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, such as the dengue mosquito, the zika virus or chikungunya fever, for example, because this vitamin due to the presence of sulfur forms sulfuric compounds that release unpleasant smell through sweat, being an excellent natural repellent. Learn more at: Natural repellent.

List of foods rich in vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 or thiamine is not stored in large amounts in the body, so it is necessary to obtain this vitamin through daily intake of foods rich in vitamin B1, such as:

Foods Amount of vitamin B1 in 100 g Energy in 100 g
Brewer's yeast powder 14.5 mg 345 calories
Wheat germ 2 mg 366 calories
Sunflower seeds 2 mg 584 calories
Raw smoked ham 1.1 mg 363 calories
Brazil nut 1 mg 699 calories
Roasted cashews 1 mg 609 calories
Ovomaltine 1 mg 545 calories
Peanut 0.86 mg 577 calories
Cooked pork loin 0.75 mg 389 calories
Whole wheat flour 0.66 mg 355 calories
Roasted pork 0.56 mg 393 calories
Cereal flakes 0.45 mg 385 calories

Barley germ and wheat germ are also excellent sources of vitamin B1.

The recommended daily dose of vitamin B1 in men from 14 years of age is 1.2 mg / day, while in women, from 19 years of age, the recommended dose is 1.1 mg / day. In pregnancy, the recommended dose is 1.4 mg / day, while in young people, the dose varies between 0.9 and 1 mg / day.

What is vitamin B1 for?

Vitamin B1 serves to regulate energy expenditure by the body, stimulate appetite and is responsible for the correct metabolism of carbohydrates.

Vitamin B1 is not fattening because it has no calories, but as it helps to stimulate appetite, when supplementation is made of this vitamin, it can lead to increased food intake and have the consequence of increasing weight.

Symptoms of lack of vitamin B1

The lack of vitamin B1 in the body can cause symptoms such as tiredness, loss of appetite, irritability, tingling, constipation or bloating, for example.

In addition, the lack of thiamine can lead to the development of diseases of the nervous system such as Beriberi, which is characterized by problems in sensitivity, decreased muscle strength, paralysis or heart failure, as well as the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is characterized depression, memory problems and dementia. See all the symptoms and how Beriberi is treated.

Supplementation with thiamine should be advised by a health professional such as a nutritionist, for example, but excessive intake of Vitamin B1 is eliminated from the body because it is a water-soluble vitamin and is therefore not toxic if taken in excess.

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Foods rich in vitamin b1