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Main sources of vitamin c


Foods rich in vitamin C, such as strawberries, oranges and lemons, help to strengthen the body's natural defenses because they contain antioxidants that fight free radicals, which in excess favor the onset of diseases.

Vitamin C should be consumed regularly because it is an excellent healer and facilitates the absorption of iron, being particularly indicated in the treatment against anemia. In addition, vitamin C serves to facilitate healing of the skin and improve blood circulation, being great to help prevent cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, for example.

Foods that contain vitamin C

To enjoy all the benefits of vitamin C present in the food, it is recommended to consume the food in its natural form, since heat can decrease the amount of vitamin. In addition, it is always good to eat fresh fruit or juice.

Foods rich in Vitamin C Weight Amount of Vitamin C Energy
Raw yellow pepper 100 g 201.4 mg 29 calories
Orange juice 248 g 124 mg 159 calories
Fresh strawberry 152 g 86 mg 59 calories
Papaya 140 g 86 mg 95 calories
Kiwi 76 g 74 mg 40 calories
Red guava 100 g 73.3 mg 42.5 calories
Cantaloupe melon 160 g 67.5 mg 48 calories
Tomato juice 242 g 67 mg 27 calories
Mango 207 g 57 mg 133 calories
Orange 96 g 51 mg 44 calories
Broccoli 92 g 37 mg 34 calories

Recommended daily dose of vitamin C

The recommended daily amount of vitamin C varies according to the person's lifestyle. For healthy adults, the recommended daily dose is 65 mg, while for smokers the amount is 20 mg more for each cigarette smoked, for example.

Despite this, as pollution and the use of medications can interfere with the process of absorption and availability of vitamin C in the blood, the corrected dose of vitamin C should be around 120 mg per day for healthy adults, which corresponds to a glass of orange juice.

When to take effervescent vitamin C

Effervescent vitamin C is indicated mainly for individuals who have symptoms of lack of vitamin C, such as easy bleeding from the skin and gums, which are scurvy symptoms. Effervescent vitamin C can also be useful for:

  • Avoid and fight the purple marks that appear on the skin even in small lesions; Accelerate muscle recovery in physical activity practitioners and athletes, helping muscle hypertrophy; Strengthen the immune system, preventing colds and flu; Strengthen cartilage because it promotes synthesis of collagen throughout the body, preventing weakening of the joints.

However, healthy people generally do not need vitamin C supplementation, because it is easily acquired through food. Discover all the benefits of vitamin C.

How to keep vitamin C longer

To keep vitamin C in food it is important not to leave fruits, such as strawberries, papayas, kiwis or oranges peeled in contact with the air and exposed to light for a long time, as these factors can decrease the vitamin C present in the food. Thus, when making orange or pineapple juice, it is important to place it in the refrigerator in a dark, covered jar to prevent the juice from contacting the air and light in the refrigerator.

In addition, vitamin C dissolves in water when cooking food, such as broccoli, cabbage or peppers, and is destroyed at high temperatures, so to ingest as much vitamin C as possible, it is important to eat food naturally, without cooking.

Main sources of vitamin c