Home Bulls Alkeran



Alkeran is an antineoplastic medication that has Melfalan as its active substance.

This oral and injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of individuals with cancer, since its action inhibits protein synthesis and alters the DNA of cancer cells.

Alkeran indications

Breast cancer; Ovary cancer; non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; multiple myeloma; testicular seminoma.

Alkeran Price

The 2 mg Alkeran box costs 25 pills and costs approximately 46 reais.

Side effects of Alkeran

Blood changes; inflammation in the mouth; bleeding; nausea; hair loss; infection symptoms; vomiting.

Contraindications to Alkeran

Pregnancy risk D; lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Alkeran

Oral use


  • Multiple myeloma; testicular seminoma; non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; sarcoma; breast cancer: Administer 150 mcg of Alkeran per kg of body weight, daily. The treatment must last 7 days and the maintenance dose must be maintained at 50 mcg per kg of body weight. Ovarian cancer: Administer 200 mcg of Alkeran per kg of body weight, daily. The treatment must last 5 days and the procedure must be repeated every 4 or 6 weeks.