Home Bulls Main causes of alopecia and how to treat

Main causes of alopecia and how to treat


Alopecia is a disease characterized by rapid and sudden loss of hair from the scalp or any other region of the body. In this disease, the hair falls in large quantities in certain areas, providing a visualization of the scalp or skin that was previously covered by hair or body hair.

The treatment for alopecia is done according to the cause, however, hair loss can be treated with the use of medications applied directly to the scalp and which should be recommended by the dermatologist.

Types of alopecia

There are several types of alopecia because its causes are different. The types of alopecia that exist are:

  • Alopecia areata: caused by autoimmune factors or a shaken emotional system, characterized by intense hair loss in certain areas. Androgenetics: also called baldness, it is caused by genetic factors, associated with the rate of testosterone in the bloodstream, and therefore it is more frequent in men; Traumatic: caused by the fact that the individual has the habit of pulling the strands of hair constantly or by trauma to the head; Seborrheic: caused by dermatitis, which can be treated with medication; Effluvium: Effluvium is a normal period when hair falls naturally, but when this mechanism is unregulated, there may be a longer period of hair loss, which generally responds well to clinical treatments.

In addition, alopecia can happen as a consequence of the use of medications, for example, the medications used to treat cancer.

Signs of alopecia

The main indicative signs of alopecia is the loss of more than 100 hairs per day, which can be noticed when you find many hairs on the pillow when you wake up, when you wash or comb or hair or when you run your hand through your hair.

In addition, the hair loss can be noticed when it is possible to easily visualize the scalp in some areas of the head.

What can cause hair loss

Hair loss can happen due to several situations, the main ones being:

  • Ringworm on the scalp; Use of medications; Stress; Postpartum hormonal reaction; Use of inappropriate chemicals; Systemic lupus erythematosus; Diseases such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, secondary syphilis or lichen planus; Protein, iron, biotin and zinc deficiency.

In addition, some types of cancer can also favor hair loss, such as skin cancer, for example.

Hair Loss Treatment

For the treatment of alopecia, a consultation with the dermatologist is recommended so that the causes of alopecia are identified and the treatment is well directed. Some therapeutic options are the use of oral or topical medicines, use of cosmetic products against hair loss, or specific treatments such as intradermotherapy and carboxitherapy, for example. See how the treatment for hair loss is done.

Main causes of alopecia and how to treat