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Breastfeeding helps you lose weight


Breastfeeding lose weight because milk production uses up a lot of calories, but despite that breastfeeding also generates a lot of thirst and a lot of hunger and therefore, if the woman does not know how to balance her food, she may gain weight.

For the mother to lose weight fast while breastfeeding, it is necessary to exclusively breastfeed the baby and eat light and nutritious meals distributed throughout the day. To learn more about how to feed while breastfeeding see: Feeding the mother while breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding lose weight how many pounds per month?

Breastfeeding loses an average of 2 kilos per month, in cases of exclusive breastfeeding, because milk production is such an intense activity that it requires about 600-800 calories per day from the mother, which is equivalent to half an hour of moderate walking, contributing for quicker return to fitness and pre-pregnancy weight. See also: How to lose belly after childbirth.

How long does breastfeeding lose weight?

A woman who exclusively breastfeeds, usually up to 6 months, is able to regain weight before becoming pregnant, because:

  • Soon after delivery the woman loses about 9 to 10 kg; After 3 months she can lose up to 5-6 kilos, if she exclusively breastfeeds; After 6 months she can also lose up to 5-6 kilos, if she exclusively breastfeeds.

However, if a woman gets too fat during pregnancy, it may take more than 6 months to regain weight before becoming pregnant, especially if she does not exclusively breastfeed or does not follow a balanced diet while breastfeeding.

Watch this video to learn good tips for losing weight during breastfeeding:

Breastfeeding helps you lose weight