Home Bulls Ambisome



Ambisome is an antifungal and antiprotozoan medication that has Amphotericin B as its active substance.

This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of aspergillosis, visceral leishmaniasis and meningitis in patients with HIV, its action is to change the permeability of the fungal cell membrane, which ends up being eliminated from the body.

Indications of Ambisome

Fungal infection in patients with febrile neuropenia; aspergillosis; cryptococcosis or disseminated candidiasis; visceral leishmaniasis; cryptococcal meningitis in patients with HIV.

Side effects of Ambisome

Chest pain; increased heart rate; Low pressure; high pressure; swelling; redness; itch; rash on the skin; sweats; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; abdominal pain; blood in the urine; anemia; increased blood glucose; decreased calcium and potassium in the blood; back pain; cough; difficulty in breathing; lung disorders; rhinitis; nosebleed; anxiety; confusion; Headache; fever; insomnia; chills.

Contraindications for Ambisome

Pregnancy risk B; lactating women; hypersensitivity any component of the formula.

Directions for use of Ambisome (Posology)

Injectable Use

Adults and children

  • Fungal infection in patients with febrile neuropenia: 3 mg / kg of weight per day. Aspergillosis; disseminated candidiasis; cryptococcosis: 3.5 mg / kg of weight per day. Meningitis in HIV patients: 6 mg / kg of weight per day.