Home Bulls Amino power

Amino power


Amino Power is a food supplement based on soy protein, carbohydrates and minerals.

This supplement for oral use is indicated for athletes, sportsmen and bodybuilders who intend to complement their diet and favor their performance. Amino Power provides muscle strengthening, muscle definition and removes symptoms of muscle fatigue.

Indications of Amino Power

Complement the diet.

Amino Power Price

A box of Amino Power costs approximately 51 reais.

Side effects of Amino Power

No side effects were found.

Contraindications for Amino Power

Pregnant or lactating women; seniors; children; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components; diabetic individuals.

How to use Amino Power

Oral use


  • Take 4 Amino Power chewable tablets during or shortly after finishing physical activity.
Amino power