Home Bulls Anestalcon



Anestalcon is a local anesthetic medication that has Proxymetacaine as its active substance.

This ophthalmic medicine is indicated to anesthetize the cornea, decreasing the permeability of the neuronal membrane and consequently the propagation of nerve impulses.

Anestalcon indications (What is it for)

Corneal anesthesia.

Anestalcon Price

The 5 ml medicine bottle can cost approximately between 5 and 7 reais.

Side effects of Anestalcon

Reddish conjunctiva; corneal erosion; severe inflammation of the cornea; tearing; pricking or burning sensation in the eyes; sensitivity to light.

Anestalcon contraindications

Pregnancy risk C; lactating women; children; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Anestalcon (Posology)

Ophthalmic Use


  • Deep anesthesia: 1 drop every 5 or 10 minutes (up to a total of 5 to 7 doses). Foreign body removal: 1 or 2 drops before the procedure.