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Anorexia: 10 signs to watch out for


Anorexia is an eating and psychological disorder that involves signs such as not wanting to eat, eating very little and obsessing about losing weight, even when the weight is adequate or below ideal.

Most of the time, anorexia is difficult to identify, not only by the person who has the disorder, since he can only see his body in the wrong way, but also by family and friends, who only start to suspect anorexia when the person begins to show physical signs of extreme thinness.

Thus, knowing what signs to identify in a person with anorexia is an important step in identifying this disorder in the early stages of development and helping in seeking help, which should normally be initiated by a psychologist.

How to know if it is anorexia

To help identify an anorexia case, check the existing signs and symptoms:

  1. 1. Look in the mirror and feel fat, even with weight inside or below the recommended. Yes No
  2. 2. Don't eat for fear of getting fat. Yes No
  3. 3. Prefer not to have company at mealtime. Yes No
  4. 4. Count the calories before eating. Yes No
  5. 5. Refuse meals and deny hunger. Yes No
  6. 6. Weight loss a lot and fast. Yes No
  7. 7. Intense fear of gaining weight. Yes No
  8. 8. Do intense physical exercise. Yes No
  9. 9. Take, without prescription, weight loss drugs, diuretics or laxatives. Yes No
  10. 10. Induce vomiting after meals. Yes No

One of the most important indicators of the presence of anorexia is the excessive concern about diet and weight, which is seen as a normal level of concern for those who have anorexia, even when the weight is below adequate. Anoretics typically have a more introverted personality, are more anxious and are prone to obsessive behaviors.

What can cause anorexia

Anorexia does not yet have a definite cause, but it usually arises during adolescence, when charges with the new body shape increase.

This disorder affects mainly women, and can be related to factors such as:

  • Pressure from family and friends to lose weight; Anxiety; Depression.

People who have suffered some type of abuse or who are highly charged by society in relation to the body, such as models, are more likely to develop anorexia.

Another common eating disorder is bulimia, which can even be mistaken for anorexia. However, in these cases what happens is that the person, although obsessed with his own weight, eats well, but then causes vomiting after meals. Check better what are the differences between anorexia and bulimia.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for anorexia usually includes therapy to improve behavior in relation to diet and body acceptance, and there may be a need to take medication against anxiety and depression, and the intake of dietary supplements to supply the body's lack of nutrients.

During treatment, it is very important that the family is present to support the person and understand the problems they face in anorexia. The treatment of this disease can be long, and can last for months or years, and it is common to have relapses in which the extreme concern with weight returns. See more details about the treatment or watch the following video:

Anorexia: 10 signs to watch out for