Home Bulls Aixa contraceptive leaflet

Aixa contraceptive leaflet


Aixa is a contraceptive tablet manufactured by the company Medley, composed of the active ingredients Chlormadinone acetate 2 mg + Ethinyl estradiol 0.03 mg, which can also be found in the generic form with these names.

Any contraceptive is used as a contraceptive method to prevent unwanted pregnancies, being indicated for sexually active women or whenever there is a medical indication.

Aixa is sold in the form of packs containing 21 pills, sufficient for 1 month of contraception, or 63 pills, sufficient for 3 months of contraception, and is found in major pharmacies.


The package with 21 pills of this contraceptive is sold for between 22 and 44 reais, while the pack with 63 pills is usually found in the price range between 88 and 120 reais, however, these values ​​can vary according to the city and the pharmacy where they are sold.

How to use

The Aixa contraceptive tablet should be taken daily, at the same time for 21 continuous days, followed by a 7-day break without being ingested, which is the period when menstruation will occur. After this 7-day interval, the next box should be started and taken in the same way, even if menstruation has not yet ended.

On the medication chart there are tablets marked for each day of the week, with arrows to help better guide the days and avoid forgetting, so the pills are taken in the direction of the arrows. Each tablet should be swallowed whole, without being broken or chewed, with a little liquid.

What to do if you forget to take your medicine

When forgetting to take 1 tablet it is recommended to take it as soon as you remember, keeping the usual usage. If it is possible to take it within the first 12 hours, contraceptive protection is still active, so additional methods of contraception are not necessary.

If the forgetting interval exceeds 12 hours, it is also recommended to take it immediately, as soon as possible, even if it means taking 2 tablets at the same time. However, it must be remembered that the effectiveness of contraceptive protection may be compromised, so it is important to associate the use of other methods of protection, such as condoms. The following tablets should be taken as usual, and the effectiveness of the contraceptive will return after 7 days of continuous use of the medicine.

If there is intimate contact after forgetting the pill, there is a possibility of pregnancy. In addition, the longer the period of forgetting, the greater the risk, so it is very important that the drug is used regularly.

To better understand how the birth control pill works and its effects on the body, check out everything about the birth control pill.

Possible side effects

  • Some of the most common side effects include: Nausea or vomiting; Vaginal discharge; Changes in the menstrual cycle or absence of menstruation; Dizziness or headache; Irritation, nervousness or depressed mood; Acne formation; Feeling of bloating or weight gain; Abdominal pain; Increased blood pressure.

If these symptoms are severe or persistent, talk to the gynecologist to assess the possibility of adjustments or changes in the medication.

Who should not use

Aixa, as well as other hormonal contraceptives, should be avoided in cases of history of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, who have a history of migraine with aura, age over 35, who are smokers or who have any disease that increases the risk thrombosis, such as diabetes or severe high blood pressure, as the risk may become even greater.

In these cases or whenever there is doubt, it is important to talk to the gynecologist for further clarification.

Aixa contraceptive leaflet