Home Bulls Anti-gymnastics: new method that allows you to know your body better

Anti-gymnastics: new method that allows you to know your body better


Anti-gymnastics is a method developed in the 70s by the French physiotherapist Thérèse Bertherat, which aims to develop a better awareness of the body itself, using subtle but rigorous movements that respect all body mechanics and movement all muscles.

This method can be done at any age, as it respects the limitations of each body, allowing a complete connection between the mind and the body, while improving amplitude and strength, without forcing bodily positions.

What is it for and benefits

Anti-gymnastics is not considered a therapy or a type of physical activity, but a method that allows you to develop awareness about your own body. With this, it is possible, over time, to obtain some benefits such as:

  • Improves muscle tone and mobility; Improve breathing amplitude; Develop coordination and motor skills; Help recovery after physical activities; Decrease muscle stress and tension.

Often, during the exercise sessions, it is even possible to discover some muscle groups that were not known, gaining the ability to move them voluntarily.

Although most anti-exercise exercises focus on only one part of the body, its main function is to prepare that part to work well when it is in connection and functioning with the other parts of the body. A good example is that, working the muscles of the tongue, for example, also helps to strengthen and ensure a correct functioning of the trachea.

How are the anti-exercise sessions

Generally, anti-exercise sessions are held with a small group of people, and are guided by a certified therapist who gives spoken instructions or shows pictures in order to explain the exercises. At no time is any position forced or imposed by the therapist, the most important being that each person feels their own body and trust their limitations, to try to reproduce the exercises in the best possible way.

During the sessions, and to facilitate the performance of the exercises, the therapist may recommend the use of rolled towels, pillows with seeds, wooden sticks or cork balls, which are also called duduzinhos.

How many sessions are needed

The number of sessions should be defined with the therapist, but in most cases weekly sessions of 1.5 hours or monthly sessions of 2 to 3 hours are used. However, there is also the possibility of doing internships of 2 to 4 days in a row, for example.

What is the best type of clothing

There is no specific type of clothing, however, some general recommendations are that the clothing should be comfortable and, if possible, of some natural material like cotton or whatever. In addition, it is also advisable to avoid wearing jewelry, watches or other types of accessories, as they can limit some movements.

Anti-gymnastics: new method that allows you to know your body better