Home Bulls Antilerg to treat allergy

Antilerg to treat allergy


Antilerg is an antiallergic medication that is used to decrease the symptoms of allergic reaction caused by dust, pet hair or pollen for example, causing symptoms such as nasal itching and discharge, watery eyes and redness, This medicine is produced through the plant p etasistes hybridus and can be purchased in the conventional pharmacy and in some health food stores in the form of pills, and should only be used by adults and children over 12 years old. See the benefits of this plant: Petasites Hybridus.

Indications of Antilerg

Antilerg is indicated in situations of allergic rhinitis, presenting symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose and throat, redness in the eyes and watery eyes.

The symptoms of allergic rhinitis can be caused by reactions to substances such as dust, pet hair or pollen, for example. Find out more causes that lead to the development of rhinitis at: Allergic rhinitis.

Antilerg Price

A pack of Antilerg with 20 pills costs on average 40 reais.

How to use Antilerg

Antilerg should only be consumed as directed by the doctor and should be taken orally in the form of tablets, about 2 times a day, without a specific time.

In some cases where the symptoms are more intense, up to 4 tablets can be taken daily.

Antilerg side effects

Antilerg can cause drowsiness, so it is recommended not to drive vehicles or machines.

Contraindications for Antilerg

This medication should not be used by children under the age of 12, and should not be used with alcoholic beverages and by patients with impaired kidney function.

Discover other antiallergic drugs at:

Antilerg to treat allergy