Home Bulls Antux



Antux is an antitussive medication that has Levodropropizine as its active substance.

This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of dry cough, since its action decreases the sensitivity of the respiratory tract receptors, reducing spasms.

Antux indications

Dry cough; non-productive cough.

Antux Price

The 20 ml Antux solution in drops costs approximately 20 reais and the 120 ml bottle of Antux syrup costs approximately 23 reais.

Antux side effects

Tiredness; decreased consciousness; Headache; fatigue; somnolence; topor; itching and rash on the skin; abdominal discomfort; diarrhea; nausea; stomach burn; vomiting: palpitations; vertigo.

Contraindications for Antux

Pregnant or lactating women; children under 2 years of age; Kartagener syndrome; bronchial hypersecretion; severe liver failure.

How to use Antux

Oral use



  • 10 ml, up to 3 times a day, at least 6 hours apart.


  • 20 drops divided into half a glass of water. The procedure should be repeated 3 times a day, with a minimum interval of 6 hours between taking one.