Home Bulls Arava



Arava is an anti-rheumatic medication whose active substance is Leflunomide.

This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis, since its action helps to reduce inflammation and pain caused by these diseases.

Arava indications

Rheumatoid arthritis; rheumatisms; torticollis.

Arava Price

The box of 20 mg of arava and 30 tablets can cost approximately 379 reais and the box of 100 mg with 30 tablets costs approximately 190 reais.

Side effects of Arava

Diarrhea; respiratory infection; elevation of liver enzymes; rash on the skin; the flu; abdominal pain; backache; hypertension; angina; lack of appetite; gastroenteritis; nausea; mouth sores; vomiting; weight loss; cramps; synovitis; vertigo; Headache; paresthesia; bronchitis; cough; eczema; itch; rash on the skin; dry skin; urinary infection.

Contraindications for Arava

Pregnancy risk X; lactating women; bone marrow dysplasia; severe immunodeficiency; severe uncontrolled infection; liver disease; decreased liver function; positive serology for hepatitis B or C; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components; children.

How to use Arava

Oral use


  • Start treatment with a loading dose of 100 mg, in a single daily dose, for 3 days. Thereafter, administer 20 mg in a single daily dose. Depending on the patient's response, the maintenance dose may drop to 10 mg per day.