Home Symptoms Shoulder arthroscopy: what it is, recovery and possible risks

Shoulder arthroscopy: what it is, recovery and possible risks


Shoulder arthroscopy is a surgical procedure in which the orthopedist makes a small access to the skin of the shoulder and inserts a small optic, to evaluate the internal structures of the shoulder, such as bones, tendons and ligaments, for example and to carry out the indicated treatments. Thus, performing a minimally invasive surgery.

Typically, arthroscopy is used in cases of acute and chronic shoulder injuries that do not improve with the use of drugs and physical therapy, serving as a form of diagnostic supplementation. In other words, through this procedure, the orthopedist is able to confirm the previous diagnosis carried out by means of other complementary exams, such as magnetic resonance imaging or ultrasound, and at the same time carry out the treatment, if necessary.

Some of the treatments performed through arthroscopy are:

  • Repair of ligaments in case of rupture; Removal of inflamed tissue; Removal of loose cartilage; Treatment of frozen shoulder; Assessment and treatment of shoulder instability.

However, if the problem is more serious, such as a fracture or complete rupture of the ligaments, it may be necessary to schedule a traditional surgery, serving arthroscopy only to diagnose the problem.

How is arthroscopy recovery

The recovery time of shoulder arthroscopy is much faster than that of traditional surgery, but it can vary according to the injury and the procedure. In addition, arthroscopy has a greater advantage over healing, as there are no extensive cuts, which makes scars smaller.

During the post-operative period it is very important to follow all the doctor's instructions, and some of the most important precautions include:

  • Use the arm immobilization recommended by the orthopedist, for the indicated time; Make no effort with the arm on the operated side; Take analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by the doctor; Sleeping with the headboard raised and sleeping on the other shoulder; Apply ice or gel bags over the shoulder during the 1st week, taking care of surgical wounds.

In addition, it is still very important to start physiotherapy 2 or 3 weeks after arthroscopy to recover all joint movement and amplitude.

Possible risks of shoulder arthroscopy

This is a very safe surgical procedure, however, like any other surgery it has a low risk of infection, bleeding or damage to blood vessels or nerves.

To reduce the chances of these complications, a qualified and certified professional should be selected, especially an orthopedist specialized in shoulder and elbow surgery.

Shoulder arthroscopy: what it is, recovery and possible risks