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Asbestos health hazards and how to protect yourself


Asbestos, also known as asbestos, is a group of minerals that is formed by microscopic fibers that were widely used in various construction materials, especially on roofs, floors and insulation of houses.

However, in recent years, it has been discovered that these fibers can be easily released into the air with the wear and tear of the materials, causing them to be aspirated into the breath. When these fibers reach the lung, they cause minor injuries that increase the risk of serious respiratory illnesses over time.

Thus, materials made from asbestos have been excluded from construction, being present only in old buildings that have not yet been reformulated. According to the law, these materials must be completely replaced, especially in public places such as schools and hospitals, for example.

How asbestos affects health

As a material composed of microscopic fibers, asbestos can be inspired to the lungs, where it accumulates and causes progressive inflammation of the lung tissues. When this happens, there is an increased risk of changes in lung cells, which can be the cause of some lung diseases.

Some of the most common diseases in people exposed to asbestos include:

1. Asbestosis

It is a disease caused only by the aspiration of asbestos into the lung and occurs due to the formation of scars in the lung tissue, which leads to a marked reduction in the elasticity of the lung, making it difficult to expand and to breathe.

This is usually a common disease in people who have worked with this type of material and it can take several years to appear.

2. Lung cancer

Lung cancer can appear due to progressive changes in lung cells, as well as chronic lung inflammation.

Although it is more common to appear in people who also have other risk factors, such as smoking and not having a healthy diet, it can develop in apparently healthy people, only due to prolonged exposure to asbestos.

Check out 10 symptoms that help identify lung cancer.

3. Mesothelioma

This is a very aggressive type of cancer that develops in the mesothelium, a thin membrane that lines the lung and other vital organs in the abdominal and thoracic cavity. Chronic exposure to asbestos appears to be one of the only confirmed causes of this type of cancer.

See more about mesothelioma and treatment options.

Possible symptoms of exposure

The most common symptoms in people with prolonged exposure to asbestos, or asbestos, usually include:

  • Persistent dry cough; Hoarseness; Constant chest pain; Difficulty breathing; Feeling of constant tiredness.

These symptoms can vary depending on how the asbestos fibers affect the lung and usually take up to 20 or 30 years to appear after exposure to the material.

For this reason, people who have worked with this type of material in the past should consult a pulmonologist and assess the health of their lungs, assessing the need to start some treatment, to avoid the onset or worsening of any disease.

Who is most at risk of exposure

Exposure to asbestos occurs mainly by inhaling microfibers. Thus, the people most at risk of exposure are usually those who work, or have worked, with this type of material, as is the case with some carpenters, painters, electricians, masons or plumbers.

However, it is also common for friends and family of these workers to also experience complications from exposure to asbestos, as fibers can be transported in clothing to the home, for example.

In addition, people living or working in places with materials made of asbestos also present a serious risk of exposure, especially if these materials are worn out. Some of the materials that most often have asbestos in the composition include fiber cement tiles, pipes and thermal insulation.

How to protect yourself from asbestos exposure

The best way to protect yourself from exposure to asbestos is to avoid having contact with materials made up of this type of material. Thus, the ideal is that all buildings with this type of material are remodeled for their replacement.

However, other protective measures include:

  • Wear a protective mask in places with asbestos, especially in old and dilapidated buildings; Remove clothes used in places with asbestos, before going out on the street; Regularly maintain materials with asbestos that have not been replaced.

In addition, and since complications from exposure to asbestos can take time to appear, people who are at high risk of exposure to asbestos should undergo regular medical examinations to assess lung health.

Asbestos health hazards and how to protect yourself