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Goiter arises when the thyroid gland increases in size, forming a kind of lump or lump in the neck, which becomes more rounded and wider than normal. Goitre usually can be easily observed without great difficulty, and it can be symmetrical, asymmetrical, composed of a nodule or a group of them, in these cases known as nodular or multinodular goiter.

Goiter can have several causes, but it is common to arise when disorders in the functioning of the thyroid appear, such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, so it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist as soon as possible so that you can investigate and treat the problem.

Main Symptoms

The main symptoms that indicate the appearance of goiter include:

  • Difficulty swallowing; Emergence of a lump or lump in the neck; Coughing, discomfort in the neck, feeling short of breath; Hoarseness.

In addition, symptoms such as easy tiredness, depression, muscle or joint pain that may indicate the presence of hypothyroidism may also appear.

Possible causes

Some of the possible causes that can lead to the appearance of goiter include:

  • Disorders in thyroid functioning such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism; Use of some medications; Autoimmune diseases such as autoimmune thyroiditis; Infections; Thyroid tumor.

Goiter can also arise due to iodine deficiencies, which cause the thyroid gland to be forced to work harder to capture iodide needed for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. This hard work done by this gland leads to its increase in size and thus the appearance of a goiter. In addition, there are cases where goiter appears at birth, in these cases known as congenital goiter.

How to know if I have goiter

The diagnosis of goiter can be made through a set of tests, which determine whether the goitre is malignant or not, and whether or not cancer.

First, the doctor begins by observing the presence of a lump in the neck, usually asking afterwards to perform an ultrasound or ultrasound that will allow a better visualization of the thyroid gland. In addition, the diagnosis is also complemented by the performance of specific blood tests that assess the amount of thyroid hormones in the blood, such as T4, T3 and TSH, which allows to identify if there are disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid.

In cases where the doctor suspects thyroid cancer, he will recommend performing a puncture or biopsy of the thyroid, in which a small piece of this gland is removed. This test does not hurt and does not leave a scar and the small piece collected is then smoothed in the laboratory.


When goiter is caused by iodine deficiencies, its treatment is done by administering iodine in doses 10 times greater than the recommended daily dose for a few weeks. With this treatment, the thyroid gland is able to effortlessly capture the iodide it needs for hormone synthesis, which after a few weeks can return it to its normal size. However, in more severe cases it may be necessary to maintain treatment for life.

In cases where there are disorders in the functioning of the thyroid such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, the treatment is not linear, and can be done using remedies such as Tapazol or Puran T4 or with radioactive iodine capsules. In cases of thyroid cancer, it may be necessary to remove this gland through surgery.

How to prevent the appearance of goiter

The appearance of goiter that originates from deficiencies in iodine can be prevented through the consumption of foods rich in this mineral, such as:

  • Mackerel, Mussel, Hake; Iodized salt, Salmon, Shrimp; Tuna, Kidney, Milk; Eggs, Beer.

Most foods rich in iodine are of marine origin, so fish and seafood are the richest options in iodine that should be consumed regularly to prevent diseases related to iodine deficiency, such as goiter. Find out more about which foods are rich in iodine and what diseases can be caused by your deficiency by clicking here.
