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Drinking coffee can protect from cancer


Coffee consumption can decrease the risk of developing cancer in different parts of the body, as it is a substance very rich in antioxidants and minerals that help prevent the degradation and alteration of cells, preventing the appearance of mutations that can result in tumors and, consequently, cancer.

The amount of coffee needed to keep the body protected varies according to the type of cancer, however, drinking at least 3 cups of roasted and ground coffee per day is enough to reduce the risk of various types of cancer.

According to several studies, the benefits of coffee are not related to caffeine, however decaffeinated coffee does not have such a protective power because during the process of removing caffeine, many important antioxidants and minerals are usually removed.

In addition to coffee, the consumption of a rich colorful and varied diet, based on natural foods is proven to be a scientific strategy for the protection of cellular mutations that lead to different types of cancer because it has many antioxidants as well.

Types of cancer that can be prevented

After different studies done with coffee, to observe its effect on cancer, the main results are:

  • Prostate cancer: the substances in coffee affect the metabolism of glucose and insulin, as well as the production of sex hormones, which are the main factors in the development of this type of cancer. To reduce up to 60% the chances of having prostate cancer it is recommended to drink at least 6 cups of coffee a day. Breast cancer: coffee alters the metabolism of some female hormones, eliminating cancerous products. In addition, caffeine appears to hinder the growth of cancer cells in the breast. Most of the results were found in women who drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day. Skin cancer: in different studies, coffee is directly related to the decreased risk of developing melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer. The higher the coffee intake, the less likely it is to have skin cancer. Colon cancer: in this type, coffee improves the chances of cure in patients who have already developed cancer and prevents tumors from re-appearing after treatment. To obtain these benefits, you should drink at least 2 cups of coffee a day.

Regardless of the type of cancer, coffee is not a substance with proven efficacy, and its effect is very reduced when there are other risk factors such as having a history of cancer in the family, being a smoker or consuming alcohol in excess.

Who should not consume coffee

Although coffee can protect against cancer, there are situations where drinking the indicated amounts can aggravate some health problems. Thus, coffee consumption should be avoided by those who have high blood pressure, insomnia, heart problems, gastritis or who frequently suffer from excessive anxiety, for example.

Drinking coffee can protect from cancer