Home Medicinal Plants Stone breaker tea: what it is for and how to make it

Stone breaker tea: what it is for and how to make it


Stone-breaker is a medicinal plant that is also known as White Pimpinella, Saxifrage, Stone-breaker, Pan-breaker, Conami or Wall-piercing, and which brings health benefits such as:

  • Treat and prevent kidney stones and relieve pain symptoms; Prevent gall stones; Help you lose weight by having a diuretic action; Relieve heartburn symptoms; Improve constipation; Fight pain because it has analgesic action; Fight virus because it inhibits reproduction of virus DNA; Fights muscle spasms and acts as a muscle relaxant; Control diabetes by helping to lower blood sugar; Combat liver infections such as hepatitis B; Protect liver from poisoning; Helps control blood pressure by facilitate the elimination of sodium; act as an antioxidant.

The scientific name of the stone-breaker is Phyllanthus niruri , and it can be purchased at health food stores, handling pharmacies and street markets.

The stone breaker is born during periods of rain in practically all Brazilian territory, being easily found in gardens, sidewalk cracks or vacant land.

How to use

The stone-breaker has a bitter taste initially, but then it becomes softer. The forms of use are:

  • Infusion: 20 to 30g per liter. Take 1 to 2 cups a day; Decoction: 10 to 20g per liter. Take 2 to 3 cups a day; Dry extract: 350 mg up to 3 times a day; Powder: 0.5 to 2g per day; Tincture: 10 to 20 ml, divided into 2 or 3 daily doses, diluted in a little water.

The parts used in the stone breaker are the flower, the root and the seeds, which can be found in nature and industrially in dehydrated form or as a tincture.

How to prepare tea


  • 20g of stone breaker 1 liter of water

Method of preparation:

Boil the water and add the medicinal plant and let it stand for 5 to 10 minutes, strain and take the warm drink, preferably without using sugar.

When not to be used

Stone breaker tea is contraindicated for children under 6 years old and for pregnant or breastfeeding women because it has properties that cross the placenta and reach the baby, which can cause miscarriage, and also passes through breast milk changing the taste of milk.

In addition, you should not drink this tea for more than 3 months in a row, taking a break of at least 2 weeks before resuming treatment with the stone breaker.

See more options for home remedies for kidney stones.

Stone breaker tea: what it is for and how to make it