Home Bulls Neozine



Neozine is an antipsychotic and sedative medication that has Levomepromazine as its active substance.

This injectable drug has an effect on neurotransmitters, reducing pain intensity and agitation states. Neozine can be used to treat psychiatric disorders and as an anesthetic before and after surgery.

Indications of Neozine

Anxiety; ache; agitation; psychosis; sedation; hysteria.

Neozine side effects

Change in weight; blood changes; memory loss; stopping menstruation; chills; increased prolactin in the blood; increase or decrease in pupils; breast enlargement; increased heart rate; dry mouth; stuffy nose; constipation; yellow skin and eyes; bellyache; fainting; disorientation; slurred speech; spillage of milk from the breasts; difficulty in moving; Headache; palpitation; increased body temperature; impotence; lack of sexual desire by women; swelling, inflammation or pain at the injection site; nausea; palpitation; pressure drop when lifting; allergic skin reactions; muscle weakness; sensitivity to light; somnolence; dizziness; vomiting.

Contraindications for Neozine

Pregnant or lactating women; children under 12 nos; heart disease; liver disease; glaucoma; hypersensitivity; significant pressure drop; urinary retention; problems in the urethra or prostate.

Directions for use of Neozine

Injectable use


  • Psychiatric disorders: Inject 75 to 100 mg of Neozine intramuscularly, divided into 3 doses. Pre-anesthetic medication: Inject 2 to 20 mg, intramuscularly, 45 minutes to 3 hours before surgery. Post-surgery anesthesia: inject 2.5 to 7.5 mg, intramuscularly, at intervals of 4 to 6 hours.