Home Bulls Blade



Blade is a food supplement used by athletes to increase endurance and muscle mass and each box is scheduled for 27 days of training.

This supplement has 3 objectives and, therefore, each package is separated into 3 compartments for:

  1. Detoxification - Ornithine, BCAA's, Collagen, glutamine, calcium, arginine, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B6, calcium. Pre-workout - methylxanthines (caffeine), BCAA's, arginine, leucine. Muscle recovery - Chlorella, Creatine, Zinc, Magnesium, vitamin B6, Tri-FX (Colostrum) a patented formula with lactoalbumin, immunoglobins, lactoferrin, growth factors and phospholipids.

Like any other supplement, Blade, should not be taken without the advice of a trained health professional, such as a nutritionist, for example.

Blade Box

3 Blade stages

Bags with Blade tablets

Blade indications

Blade is suitable for athletes who want to increase muscle mass, strength and also improve muscle regeneration after training.

Blade Price

The Blade price can vary between 135 and 220 reais.

How to use the Blade

Blade's method of use starts with phase 1, in which you take 5 tablets a day before bed, for 5 days. In phases 2 and 3, you should take 7 tablets 15 minutes before training and 6 tablets, before bed.

The tablets for each phase come in separate bags to facilitate.

Blade side effects

Side effects of Blade can include insomnia and vomiting.

Blade contraindication

Blade is contraindicated in individuals in need of protein restriction, kidney problems and a tendency to form kidney stones and in case of restriction or allergy to any ingredient or additive present in the product formulation.
