Home Bulls Left bundle branch block: symptoms and treatment

Left bundle branch block: symptoms and treatment


Left bundle branch block is characterized by a delay or block in the conduction of electrical impulses in the intraventricular region on the left side of the heart, leading to a prolongation of the QRS interval on the electrocardiogram, which may be partial or total.

Generally, this condition can occur due to the existence of other heart diseases, but in most cases there is no definite cause and there are no symptoms. Thus, and although treatment consists of identifying and treating the cause, in asymptomatic cases and without a definite cause, it may only be necessary to regularly follow up with the cardiologist.

What symptoms

In most cases, blocking the left branch does not cause symptoms and therefore many people who suffer from this condition are unaware that they have the disease, unless they perform an electrocardiogram. Find out what an electrocardiogram is and how it is made.

Symptoms, when present, are associated with an existing medical condition. For example, if the person has a history of infarction or angina pectoris, the block can cause chest pain, if they suffer from arrhythmia, the block can cause frequent fainting, and in the case of having heart failure, the block can lead to the onset of progressive shortness of breath.

Possible causes

Left bundle branch block is often an indicator of conditions associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality, such as:

  • Coronary artery disease; Increased heart size; Heart failure; Chagas disease; Cardiac arrhythmias.

If the person has no history of any of these pathologies, the doctor may order other tests to try to confirm their presence or any other cause. However, it is also possible for the block to arise for no apparent reason.

What is the diagnosis

Usually the diagnosis is made when the person has symptoms of the disease or accidentally on a routine examination with the electrocardiogram.

How the treatment is done

Most people who suffer from a left bundle branch block have no symptoms and do not need treatment. However, if you suffer from heart disease that is the cause of this block, it may be necessary to take medicines to lower your blood pressure or to mitigate the effects caused by heart failure.

In addition, depending on the severity of the disease and the symptoms observed, the doctor may recommend the use of a pacemaker , also known as a pacemaker, which will help the heart to beat properly. Find out how pacemaker placement surgery is performed and what precautions to take after placement.

Left bundle branch block: symptoms and treatment