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Good oral hygiene can decrease risk of heart disease


There is scientific evidence that the state of health of the mouth can impact heart health, as people with dental problems, such as dental plaque or gum problems, are more at risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease compared to people who have good oral health..

Thus, it is very important to maintain correct oral hygiene, in addition to visiting the dentist frequently, in order to avoid problems in the teeth and gums, which may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Because the mouth is related to the heart

Wrong oral hygiene can create an environment favorable to the development of bacteria, capable of causing diseases in the gums and teeth.

Oral problems, such as gingivitis or periodontitis, for example, allow the overgrowth of bacteria and other germs, which can migrate from the mouth to other regions, through the bloodstream, reaching the heart. There, these bacteria can cause inflammation and result in an infection of the cardiac lining.

In addition, atherosclerosis and stroke can also be related to inflammation caused by bacteria from the mouth, because when migrating into the bloodstream, they can increase levels of C-reactive protein, which contributes to inflammation of blood vessels. If there is gingival bleeding, it can also happen that the bacteria can get directly into the bloodstream and interact with atherosclerotic plaques, which facilitate the development of strokes.

How to know if there is disease in the mouth

Some signs and symptoms that may indicate that an oral disease exists include:

  • Red gums, which may be swollen or painful; Bleeding gums when eating, flossing or brushing teeth; Presence of pus and other signs of infection around the gums and teeth; Gingival retraction; Soft tooth or to move away from other teeth.

In addition, frequent bad breath or bad taste in your mouth can also indicate problems with your gums or teeth.

Clarify doubts about your teeth and know how to identify symptoms that may indicate dental problems.

What to do to avoid complications

In order to maintain good oral health, one should go to the dentist frequently, especially if the person checks for any of these symptoms and does a correct oral hygiene, brushing the teeth 3 times a day, with a soft brush and using dental floss and rinse, at least once a day.

Watch the following video and learn how to brush your teeth properly:

Good oral hygiene can decrease risk of heart disease