Home Bulls Brimonidine



Brimonidine is a medicine known commercially as Alphagan.

This medication for ophthalmic use, is indicated for the treatment of glaucoma and ocular hypertension.

Brimonidine decreases the production of tears and increases uveoscleral flow, thereby decreasing eye pressure. Its action is rapid, and the improvement of symptoms can be observed 2 hours after the medication is administered.

Indications of Brimonidine

Glaucoma; ocular hypertension.

Side Effects of Brimonidine

Dry mouth; redness in the eyes; burning and burning in the eyes; blurred vision; sensation of presence of foreign body; allergic reaction in the eyes; itchy eyes; Headache; tiredness; somnolence.

Contraindications for Brimonidine

Pregnancy risk B; lactating women.

How to use Brimonidine

Ophthalmic Use


  • Apply 1 drop of Brimonidine to the affected eye, 2 to 3 times a day.