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Bronchiolitis: what it is, what are the symptoms and how to treat


Bronchiolitis is a very common lung infection in babies under 2 years old that causes inflammation of the narrowest airways in the lung, known as bronchioles. When these channels ignite, they increase the production of mucus that hinders the passage of air, causing difficulty in breathing.

In the first two days, bronchiolitis causes flu-like or cold-like symptoms, such as persistent cough, fever above 37.5ยบ C, stuffy nose and runny nose. These symptoms usually last for a day or two and then progress to:

  • Wheezing when breathing; Rapid breathing; Flaring of the nostrils when breathing; Increased irritability and tiredness; Decreased appetite; Difficulty sleeping.

Although the symptoms can be frightening, bronchiolitis is curable and usually does not need specific treatment, and can be treated at home with some simple precautions that alleviate the symptoms and facilitate breathing.

See how to treat bronchiolitis at home.

When to go to the doctor

It is always important to consult the pediatrician when there is any change in the baby's health. However, the most urgent cases of bronchiolitis happen when the baby has difficulty breathing, has blue skin on the feet and hands, does not eat, it is possible to notice the sinking of the rib muscles when breathing or the fever does not subside after 3 days.

How to treat bronchiolitis

There is no antiviral drug to eliminate the virus that is causing bronchiolitis, but normally the virus is eliminated by the body naturally after 2 or 3 weeks.

During this time it is important to take care of the baby in the same way that a cold is treated, avoiding temperature changes, making nebulizations and keeping him well hydrated with milk and water. In addition, in some cases of fever, for example, one can consult the pediatrician to use drugs such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, to relieve symptoms.

It is rarely necessary for the baby to be admitted to the hospital, and these cases happen only when there is great difficulty in breathing.

Physiotherapy in bronchiolitis

Physiotherapy in children and babies with bronchiolitis can be especially important in the most severe cases, to reduce the consequences of infection on the respiratory system.

After viral infection, there is often damage to the lung tissues, especially the bronchi and bronchioles, causing increased mucus production that impairs the child's breathing. Physiotherapy helps to clear the lungs by performing breathing exercises, reducing the difficulty in breathing.

How to prevent it from reappearing

Bronchiolitis happens when a virus is able to reach the lung, causing inflammation of the airways. So, to prevent this problem from appearing it is recommended:

  • Prevent the baby from playing with other babies with the flu or colds; Wash your baby's hands frequently, especially after being in contact with other people; Clean toys and surfaces where the baby plays frequently; Dress the baby properly, avoiding sudden changes in temperature; Avoid going in places with a lot of smoke or dust.

Although this infection is very common in any baby up to 2 years of age, the risk of developing it is greater when the baby is born prematurely, has heart problems, has not been breastfed or has siblings who attend schools and other highly populated places.

Bronchiolitis: what it is, what are the symptoms and how to treat