Home Symptoms Menu for gamers: know what to eat while the game is not over

Menu for gamers: know what to eat while the game is not over


People who have been sitting around playing computer for a long time have a tendency to eat ready-made foods with a lot of fat and sugar, such as pizza, chips, cookies or soda, because they are easy to eat, and allow games, especially online, continue without breaks. But there are healthy alternatives that keep the player alert, not hungry and that are also delicious and quick, but that are healthier snacks, such as dehydrated fruits instead of chips, or cheese instead of pizza.

So if you are a gamer and want to make the game even more enjoyable, watch the following video and check out these and other tips to have a healthier online game:

What to eat during the game

Some quick, easy and tasty alternatives are:

  • Dark chocolate, which has little sugar and leaves the brain active; Popcorn, which can be prepared quickly in the microwave and in a healthy way. Learn how to prepare healthy popcorn without oil; Dehydrated fruit, which is a healthy alternative to chips or other snacks rich in salt and fat; Light polenguinho cheese, rich in protein and calcium; Fruits such as bananas, drinking fruits or dried fruits, for example, that give energy and do not get your hands dirty; Low sugar cereal bar, which can be prepared at home, before starting the game, for example. Here's how to prepare healthy cereal bar at home.

In addition, it is important not to forget to drink fluids. As an alternative to soda, you can prepare a water with honey and lemon, which in addition to hydrating, also provides energy to the body.

What to avoid

You should avoid eating fatty or sugar-rich foods, such as pizza, chips, biscuits, yellow cheeses or other fried or highly processed snacks, and avoid drinks, such as soda or beer, because in addition to damaging health, they can also leave the person slower.

In addition, one should avoid sitting for a long time in front of the computer, in order to avoid vision problems and muscle pain, so it is advisable to take frequent breaks for walking or stretching. See some stretching exercises for back pain.

Menu for gamers: know what to eat while the game is not over