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Know when to go to the cardiologist


Consultation with the cardiologist, who is the doctor responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease, should always be done symptoms such as chest pain or constant tiredness, for example, as they are signs that can indicate changes in the heart.

Generally, when the person has a diagnosed heart disease, such as heart failure, for example, it is recommended that you go to the doctor every 6 months or as directed, so that tests are performed and treatment adjusted, if necessary.

It is important that men over 45 and women over 50 who do not have a history of heart problems have annual appointments with the cardiologist. However, in the case of a history of heart problems in the family, men and women aged 30 and 40, respectively, should visit the cardiologist periodically.

Having risk factors means having a greater chance of having heart problems, and some of the factors include being overweight, being a smoker, being sedentary or having high cholesterol, and the more factors you have the greater the risk. Find out more at: Medical check-up.

Symptoms of heart problems

It is important to be aware of symptoms that may indicate heart problems, and you should go to the cardiologist as soon as they appear. If you suspect heart problems, do the following symptom test:

  1. 1. Shortness of breath at rest or on exertion Yes No
  2. 2. Chest pain Yes No
  3. 3. Dry and persistent cough Yes No
  4. 4. Bluish color at your fingertips Yes No
  5. 5. Dizziness or fainting Yes No
  6. 6. Palpitations or tachycardia Yes No
  7. 7. Swelling in the legs Yes No
  8. 8. Excessive tiredness for no apparent reason Yes No
  9. 9. Cold sweat Yes No
  10. 10. Nausea or loss of appetite Yes No

If the person has any of these symptoms, it is recommended that you go to the cardiologist immediately, as it may indicate the presence of any heart disease, and should be treated quickly so as not to put your life at risk. Know of the 12 signs that can indicate heart problems.

Heart exams

Some tests that the doctor can indicate to check if the patient has any changes in the heart, are:

  • Echocardiogram: this is an ultrasound scan of the heart that allows you to obtain images of the different structures of the heart in motion. This exam looks at the size of the cavities, the heart valves, the function of the heart; Electrocardiogram: is a quick and simple method that records the heartbeat by placing metallic electrodes on the patient's skin; Exercise test: it is an exercise test, which is used to detect problems that are not seen when the person is at rest, being the test performed with the person running on the treadmill or pedaling on an exercise bike at an accelerated pace; Magnetic resonance imaging: it is an image exam used to obtain images of the heart and thorax.

In addition to these tests, the cardiologist may indicate more specific tests or laboratory tests, such as CK-MB, Troponin and myoglobin, for example. See what are the other tests that evaluate the heart.

Common cardiovascular diseases

To detect the most common cardiovascular diseases, such as arrhythmia, heart failure and infarction, for example, it is important to go to the cardiologist as soon as the first symptoms appear or at least once a year.

Arrhythmia is a situation characterized by an irregular heart beat, that is, the heart may beat slower or faster than normal and may or may not change the performance and function of the heart, putting the person's life at risk.

In the case of heart failure, the heart has difficulties in properly pumping blood to the body, generating symptoms such as excessive tiredness and swelling in the legs at the end of the day.

Infarction, also known as heart attack, which is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases, is characterized by the death of cells in a part of the heart, usually due to the lack of blood in that organ.

Use the following calculator and see your risk of having heart problems:

Know when to go to the cardiologist