Home Symptoms What can cause back and abdomen pain

What can cause back and abdomen pain


In most cases, back pain is caused by a contracture of the muscles or changes in the spine and occurs due to poor posture throughout the day, such as sitting at the computer with a hunched back, spending many hours standing or sleeping on a very mattress. soft or on the floor, for example.

But when, in addition, the back pain also radiates to the belly, the possible causes can be:

1. Kidney stone

What it feels like: in kidney crisis it is common for people to experience severe back pain, at the end of the spine more towards the right or left side, but in some cases it can also radiate to the abdominal region. Inflammation of the kidneys, bladder or ureters, which cause urinary tract infection, can also cause pain in the bottom of the belly.

What to do: you must go to the emergency room, because renal colic is very strong and you may need to take medication or even have surgery to remove the stone.

Tick ​​your symptoms and find out if you may have kidney stones:

  1. 1. Severe pain in the lower back, which can limit movement Yes No
  2. 2. Pain radiating from the back to the groin Yes No
  3. 3. Pain when urinating Yes No
  4. 4. Pink, red or brown urine Yes No
  5. 5. Frequent desire to urinate Yes No
  6. 6. Feeling sick or vomiting Yes No
  7. 7. Fever above 38º C Yes No

2. Spine problems

What it feels like: in the case of spinal arthrosis, the back pain is usually close to the neck or at the end of the back, being more centralized, although it can also affect the belly.

What to do: go to the orthopedist to do an X-ray of the spine in order to identify the possible alteration and start the treatment that can be done with the use of painkillers, anti-inflammatories or physical therapy to improve posture, fight symptoms and avoid worsening with the appearance of herniated disc or parrot's beak, for example.

For more tips on how to relieve back pain watch the video:

3. Gases

What it feels like: in some cases the accumulation of intestinal gases can also cause pain in the back and abdomen, leaving the belly swollen. The pain can be stinging or stinging and tends to start located in one part of the back or belly and then can move to another part of the belly.

What to do: having a fennel tea and then walking for about 40 minutes can be useful to eliminate the gases naturally, but if the pain does not stop you can try drinking plum water, because it helps to eliminate the feces that may be favoring the production of gases. See the foods that cause the most gas, to avoid them. Eating light meals by eating fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables and drinking small amounts of water throughout the day, and drinking chamomile or lemon balm tea can help relieve pain.

4. Inflammation of the gallbladder

The gallbladder stone can lead to inflammation that manifests itself whenever the person eats fatty foods, but it is not always serious.

What it feels like: when the gallbladder is inflamed the person feels a pain in the belly, and there is usually poor digestion, a feeling of heaviness in the belly, a swollen belly and belching. Abdominal pain can radiate to the back. Learn more symptoms to identify the gallstone.

What to do: go to the gastroenterologist and do an ultrasound to confirm the presence of the stone and the need for surgery to remove the gallbladder.

5. Diseases of the intestine

Intestinal diseases, as in the case of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, usually cause pain in the abdomen, but these can also radiate to the back, being more diffuse.

What it feels like: symptoms like abdominal pain with burning sensation, pricking or cramping may appear. There may also be discomfort in the belly, soft or very hard stools and a swollen belly.

What to do: You should observe your bowel habits in order to identify whether it may be constipation, gas or diarrhea. A consultation with a gastroenterologist can be useful to identify other symptoms, get tested for diagnosis and start treatment. In the case of gluten intolerance, for example, it is necessary to remove the gluten from the food, but a nutritionist can indicate the necessary changes for each intestinal change. See what the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet looks like.

6. Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a serious condition that may require urgent medical attention, and urgent surgery may be performed.

What it feels like: the pain starts badly located and affects the upper part of the belly, in the part closest to the ribs, called "bar pain", but it tends to get worse and can radiate to the back. As the infection gets worse the pain becomes more localized and becomes even stronger. Nausea and vomiting may also be present. Learn more details of the symptoms of pancreatitis.

What to do: go to the emergency room to find out if it really is pancreatitis and start treatment with analgesics, anti-inflammatories and specific enzymes for the proper functioning of the pancreas. Depending on what caused the inflammation, such as a calculus obstruction, tumor or infections, you may need to use antibiotics or surgery to remove the stones that are aggravating the disease, for example.

7. Low back pain

What it feels like: the pain in your lower back may appear more in the middle of your back, especially after making a lot of effort like climbing stairs or carrying heavy bags. Sitting or standing for a long time tends to make the pain worse, which can begin to radiate to the abdomen. If it radiates to the butt or legs, it can be an inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

What to do: placing a hot compress on your back can relieve mild or moderate pain, but you need to go to the orthopedist to perform tests and start treatment, which can be done with physiotherapy sessions, for example.

8. Pyelonephritis

Pyelonephritis is a high urinary tract infection, that is, it affects the kidneys and ureters, which occurs due to the rise of bacteria in this region or due to the complication of a low urinary tract infection.

What it feels like: It is common to experience severe back pain on the side of the affected kidney, pain in the lower abdominal area when urinating, high fever with chills and tremors, as well as malaise, nausea and vomiting.

What to do: you must go to the emergency room, because you need to take medication to relieve pain, in addition to antibiotics and antipyretics and blood and urine tests. Learn more about pyelonephritis and main symptoms.

When it happens in pregnancy

The back pain that radiates to the abdomen in early pregnancy can happen when there is an intercostal neuralgia due to the stretching of the nerve because of the growth of the belly. However, another common cause is uterine contractions. Already the pain that starts in the belly, in the stomach area, which radiates to the back, can be from gastric reflux, a very common cause in pregnancy, due to the increase in the volume of the uterus and compression of the stomach.

What it feels like: The pain caused by intercostal neuralgia can be prickly and is usually close to the ribs, but the pain in the back radiates to the bottom of the belly can be a sign of uterine contractions, as in labor.

What to do: placing a warm compress on the site of the pain and doing a stretch, tilting the body to the opposite side of the pain can be a good help to relieve the pain. The obstetrician may also indicate taking the vitamin B complex, as this vitamin helps in the recovery of peripheral nerves. For reflux, you should have a light diet and avoid lying down after feeding. Better understand how to identify and treat reflux in pregnancy.

Watch the following video and learn more about how to relieve back pain in pregnancy:

When to go to the emergency room

It is important to go to the doctor when the back pain radiates to the abdominal region and has the following characteristics:

  • It is very intense and makes it impossible to perform normal activities of daily living, such as eating, sleeping or walking; It appears after a fall, injury or blow; It worsens after a week; Persists for more than 1 month; Other symptoms such as incontinence appear urinary or fecal, shortness of breath, fever, tingling in the legs or diarrhea.

In these cases, the cause of the pain can be caused by more serious situations such as inflammation of an organ or cancer and, therefore, one should go to the hospital for tests, such as X-rays or ultrasound and start the most appropriate treatment as soon as possible..

What can cause back and abdomen pain