Home Medicinal Plants Salvia tea: what is it for and how to take it

Salvia tea: what is it for and how to take it


Salvia, also known as sage, is a medicinal plant with the scientific name Salvia officinalis, which has the appearance of a shrub, with velvety greenish-gray leaves and blue, pink or white flowers that appear in the Summer.

This medicinal plant can be used orally, to treat cases of intense sweating or gastrointestinal problems and through topical application in lesions and inflammations of the skin, mouth and throat.

What is it for

Salvia has proven indications in the following situations:

  • Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, such as difficulties in digestion, excess of intestinal gases or diarrhea, due to its stimulating action of the gastrointestinal system; Excessive sweating, due to sweat inhibiting properties; Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx mucosa and skin lesions, due to its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing properties; Lack of appetite, due to its appetite stimulating properties.

This plant can be used orally or applied to the skin.

How to use

Sage can be used to prepare teas or through tinctures, ointments or lotions already prepared.

1. Sage tea


  • 1 tablespoon of sage leaves; 1 cup of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Pour a cup of boiling water over the leaves and let it steep for about 5 to 10 minutes and strain. Tea can be used to gargle or rinse several times a day, treat lesions in the mouth or throat, or you can drink 1 cup of tea, 3 times a day, to treat diarrhea, improve digestive function or reduce night sweat.

2. Dye

The dye can also be used several times a day, in brush strokes, in the injured region, without diluting. The oral dosage will depend on the concentration of the solution, and must be established by the doctor.

Who should not use

Sage is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to this medicinal plant.

In addition, it should also not be used in pregnancy because there is not yet enough scientific data to prove that the sage is safe in pregnancy. It should also not be used during breastfeeding because it reduces milk production.

Possible side effects

In case of prolonged ingestion or overdose, a feeling of nausea, heat, increased heart rate and epileptic spasms may occur.

Salvia tea: what is it for and how to take it