Home Home-Remedies How to make passion fruit tea to sleep better

How to make passion fruit tea to sleep better


A great home remedy to calm and sleep better is passion fruit tea, as well as passion fruit juice, as they have calming properties that help the nervous system to relax. In addition, passion fruit has sedative properties that help fight anxiety, irritability, insomnia and nervous disorders.

During the day, you should drink the passion fruit juice and, towards the end of the day, start drinking the warm passion fruit tea. This home remedy is only contraindicated in case of very low blood pressure or depression, as it can aggravate these health problems.

Passion fruit tea to sleep better

The tea must be prepared with the leaves of the passion fruit tree, as it is in the leaves that you can find higher concentrations of passionflower, which is the substance responsible for the calming and sedative effects of the passion fruit.

To make the tea, just put 1 tablespoon of the chopped passion fruit leaves in 1 cup of boiling water and let it stand for 5 minutes. Sweeten to taste and take next, when it is warm.

In addition to this home remedy for better sleep, it is important to avoid eating foods with stimulating properties in the nervous system such as coffee, chocolate, and black tea and to try to eat light meals at dinner.

However, when insomnia remains for more than 3 weeks, even adopting all of these habits, a consultation with a doctor specializing in sleep disorders is recommended because it may be necessary to investigate what is causing insomnia, and if you suffer from sleep apnea, which is a disorder where the person wakes up many times during the night, to be able to breathe better. Learn how to identify sleep apnea.

Passion fruit juice to improve sleep

Although the fruit does not contain large amounts of passionflower, passion fruit juice is also able to calm and improve sleep quality. To make the juice just beat in a blender 1 passion fruit, 1 glass of water and honey to sweeten. Strain and take next.

If you drink this juice daily after 5 pm you will see an improvement in sleep quality in a few days. This juice can be offered to children so that they can sleep better, getting more rested to wake up with more disposition to go to school the next day.

An option to increase the amounts of passionflower is through the passion fruit such, which is made by adding 1 cup of tea leaves to the passion fruit juice, stirring well and drinking next.

See other examples of natural tranquilizers in the following video:

How to make passion fruit tea to sleep better