Home Symptoms Motion sickness (motion sickness): what it is and how the treatment is done

Motion sickness (motion sickness): what it is and how the treatment is done


Motion sickness, also known as motion sickness, is characterized by the appearance of symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, cold sweats and malaise, when traveling by car, plane, boat, bus or train, for example.

The symptoms of motion sickness can be prevented with simple measures, such as sitting in front of the vehicle and avoiding alcoholic beverages or heavy foods before traveling, for example. In addition, in some cases, the doctor may prescribe taking antiemetic drugs.

Because it happens

Motion sickness usually happens due to inconsistent signals that are sent to the brain. For example, during a trip, the body feels movement, turbulence and other signs that indicate movement, but at the same time, the eyes do not receive that movement signal, as when a person is walking on the street, for example. It is this conflict of signals received by the brain that leads to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

What symptoms

Symptoms that can occur in people with motion sickness are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, cold sweats and general malaise. In addition, some people may also find it difficult to maintain balance.

These symptoms are more common in children aged 2 to 12 years and in pregnant women.

How to prevent motion sickness

To prevent motion sickness, the following measures can be taken:

  • Sit in front of the means of transport or next to a window and look at the horizon when possible; Avoid reading while traveling or using devices such as a cell phone, laptop or tablet ; Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol before and during the trip; Do a healthy meal before the trip, avoiding very acidic or fatty foods; when possible, open the window a little to breathe fresh air; avoid strong smells; take a home remedy, such as tea or ginger capsules, for example.

See other ways to use ginger and more benefits.

How the treatment is done

In order to prevent and relieve motion sickness, in addition to the preventive measures mentioned above, the person may choose to take medications that prevent symptoms, such as dimenhydrinate (Dramin) and meclizine (Meclin), which should be ingested around half an hour to an hour before traveling. Learn more about the Dramin remedy.

These remedies act on the vestibular and reticular systems, responsible for nausea and vomiting, and also act on the center of vomiting, preventing and treating symptoms of motion sickness. However, they can cause side effects, such as drowsiness and sedation.

Motion sickness (motion sickness): what it is and how the treatment is done