Home Medicinal Plants Benefits of the reichi mushroom

Benefits of the reichi mushroom


The Reishi mushroom, also known as God's herb, Lingzhi, immortality mushroom, longevity mushroom and spirit plant, has medicinal properties such as strengthening the immune system and fighting liver diseases, such as hepatitis B.

This mushroom has a flat shape and a bitter taste, and can be found in some health food stores or in oriental markets, under natural, powder or capsules, with prices ranging between 40 and 70 reais.

Thus, consumption of the Reishi mushroom brings the following health benefits:

  • Strengthen the immune system; Prevent atherosclerosis; Help in the treatment of colorectal cancer, asthma and bronchitis; Prevent the worsening of hepatitis B and help maintain the proper functioning of the liver; Help control blood pressure; Prevent prostate cancer; Prevent diseases in the liver and kidneys.

The recommended amount of this food is 1 to 1.5 g of powder per day or 2 tablets about 1 hour before the main meals, preferably according to medical advice. See the types and benefits of the other 5 mushrooms.

Side effects and contraindications

The side effects of the reishi mushroom are uncommon and occur mainly due to the excessive consumption of the powder of this mushroom, with symptoms such as dry mouth, itching, diarrhea, acne, headache, dizziness, bleeding in the nose and blood in the stool.

Furthermore, it is important to remember that this food is contraindicated in cases of pregnant or breastfeeding women, bladder or stomach problems, high or low blood pressure, chemotherapy treatment, recent surgery and use of immunosuppressive or blood thinning drugs, such as Aspirin.

See other solutions to treat the liver:

Benefits of the reichi mushroom