- 1. Medicines
- 2. Polishes
- 3. Surgery
- 4. Natural treatment
- 5. Elastic bandage
- 6. Home remedies
- 7. Injection and photocoagulation
- Signs of improvement
- Signs of worsening
The treatment for internal hemorrhoids can be done with the use of hemorrhoid ointments, such as Ultraproct or Hemovirtus, and analgesic and anti-inflammatory remedies, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, combined with homemade measures, such as 15 to 15 sitz baths. 20 minutes with warm water, a diet rich in fiber or drinking about 2 liters of water per day, for example.
However, treatment may also involve procedures performed by a proctologist, such as elastic bandage or sclerotherapy or even surgery to remove the hemorrhoid. In this way, the doctor is the one who should guide the best treatment according to the degree of the hemorrhoid, the intensity of the pain and if the hemorrhoid left a little out of the anus or got stuck inside.
1. Medicines
Some medications may be recommended for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, especially for cases where the hemorrhoid is causing a lot of pain or bleeding. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation, the most used of which are paracetamol and ibuprofen.
Medicines that have venotonic substances, which help control blood flow at the hemorrhoid site, can also be indicated by the proctologist, as they reduce symptoms such as pain, swelling, anal itching and difficulty in evacuating. Some of these medications are Daflon, Venaflon, Flavenos or Venovaz and should be used as directed by a doctor.
2. Polishes
Although internal hemorrhoids are located more deeply in the anal area, ointments for external application can relieve discomfort when evacuating and reduce pain when sitting, for example.
The ointments indicated for hemorrhoids have anesthetic and anti-inflammatory substances and can be used 3 to 4 times a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms, can be easily bought in pharmacies, the most common being the Proctyl, Hemovirtus and Ultraproct ointment. Check out how to use hemorrhoid ointments.
3. Surgery
Surgery for internal hemorrhoids is indicated in the case of grade III internal hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids associated with external hemorrhoids that got stuck in the anus or when all other treatments were not effective and the person still has severe pain in the anal area, especially when evacuating and sit.
The surgery can be done in a conventional way, in which the hemorrhoids are removed, or new techniques can be used that consist only of fixing the hemorrhoid to the anal wall, not removing it, decreasing the recovery time and the postoperative pain. Find out more details about hemorrhoid surgery.
4. Natural treatment
The natural treatment for internal hemorrhoids consists mainly of changes in eating habits, maintaining a diet rich in fiber-rich foods and increasing the daily water intake, so that the stools are more shaped, hurting the anal area less and the person not you need to make so much effort to evacuate. Find out which foods are high in fiber.
Taking sitz baths with warm water for about 15 to 20 minutes helps to relieve pain and discomfort, and can be performed with medicinal plants, such as witch hazel, for example. It is also important to avoid using toilet paper, it is more indicated to wash the anal area with soap and water, as the toilet paper irritates the mucous membrane of the anus and one must avoid a lot of effort to evacuate.
See in the video below which is the correct sitting position to facilitate the exit of the stool, reducing the pain.
5. Elastic bandage
The elastic bandage is a type of treatment indicated for internal hemorrhoids from grade I to III and consists of the aspiration of the hemorrhoid into a bandage and the placement of an elastic band, which reduces the blood flow at the hemorrhoid site and, after about 4 to 7 days, this elastic is eliminated by the anus.
For the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids to be relieved, it may take several sessions of bandaging, however, recovery is faster and the pain after the procedure is less than in surgery.
6. Home remedies
Some medicinal plants can be used as home remedies to relieve pain and discomfort in the anal area caused by internal hemorrhoids, such as aloe vera, also known as aloe vera, which has anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce inflammation in the anus, and should be applied in its natural form.
The witch hazel plant has substances that help to reduce the pain, itching and bleeding caused by internal and even external hemorrhoids and a natural ointment can be made with this plant, paraffin and glycerin. Epsom salts can also help to improve the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids and mixed with water, can be used as a sitz bath. See more about natural hemorrhoid remedies.
7. Injection and photocoagulation
The injection of sclerosing drugs, known as sclerotherapy, is a type of treatment that should be performed only by the proctologist and that is based on the application of remedies, which can be 5% phenol oil or 2% polydocanol, with the purpose of promoting healing through blood clotting around the hemorrhoid. This type of treatment is not widely used in men, due to the risk of the injection reaching the prostate or seminal vesicles.
Photocoagulation can also be used for internal hemorrhoids of grade I and II and consists of the application of infrared rays through a tube to prevent the flow of blood around the hemorrhoid, causing its elimination, and generally 3 to 5 applications are required for treatment success.
Signs of improvement
Signs of improvement in the internal hemorrhoid include decreasing the size of the hemorrhoid and relieving symptoms, such as pain, especially when evacuating, and blood in the stool.
Signs of worsening
The signs of worsening of the internal hemorrhoid include an increase in the size of the hemorrhoid, which can lead to a worsening of pain in the anal area, especially when evacuating and the amount of blood in the stool.