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Celery juice for weight loss


Celery is an excellent food combined with diet, as it has almost no calories and is rich in nutrients that help fight fluid retention, improve circulation and detoxify the body, such as vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and carotenoids.

In addition, celery has a neutral flavor, being easily used in several recipes of detox juices that deflate, stimulate weight loss and reduce inflammation, and can be combined with other diuretic and thermogenic foods, such as watermelon, cinnamon and ginger.

Here are the top 5 recipe combinations for juices with celery.

1. Celery juice with watermelon

Like celery, watermelon has diuretic properties that will enhance the juice's weight loss effect.


  • 1 tablespoon of celery1 glass of watermelon juice

Method of preparation:

Cut the ends of the celery stalk and add it to the blender together with the watermelon juice. Beat well and drink ice cream.

2. Celery juice with pear and cucumber

Pear has appetite-reducing properties and keeps hunger at bay for longer, while cucumber and celery function as potent diuretics that will fight fluid retention.


  • 1 teaspoon of celery, 1 pear, 1 cucumber

Method of preparation:

Beat all ingredients in a blender and drink without sweetening.

3. Celery juice with pineapple and mint

Pineapple and mint are great foods that improve digestion and reduce abdominal bloating. Together with celery, they will form a powerful juice to lose the belly.


  • In a large bowl, whisk together the sugar, salt, pepper, salt and pepper.

Method of preparation:

Beat all the ingredients in a blender and then drink.

4. Celery juice with carrots and ginger

Carrots are rich in fiber and antioxidants, which together with celery will increase satiety and decrease appetite. Ginger improves circulation and digestion, also helping to burn extra calories and reduce fluid retention.


  • It is a great way to add flavor and flavor to your dishes.

Method of preparation:

Beat all ingredients in a blender and drink without sweetening.

5. Celery juice with apple and cinnamon

Apples are a great diuretic food, as well as being rich in fiber that will help improve bowel function, preventing bloating. Cinnamon is a natural thermogenic, which helps to speed up metabolism and burn fat.


  • We have a wide range of products to suit your needs, including:

Method of preparation:

Beat all ingredients in a blender and drink without straining.

In addition to using celery juices, it is also important to do a dietary reeducation to help you lose weight, decreasing the intake of sweets, fats and excess carbohydrates. Eating a balanced diet along with physical exercise increases weight loss results and improves overall health.

To vary your diet and increase your results, see also 7 other detox juice recipes.

Celery juice for weight loss