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How to relieve pain after surgery


After surgery, pain and discomfort in the area that has been manipulated is common, so the doctor may recommend the use of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, which help control pain and local swelling, such as dipyrone, paracetamol, tramadol, codeine, ibuprofen or celecoxib, which will depend on the severity of the pain.

Pain control is very important to allow faster recovery, to allow movement, to decrease hospital stay and the need for additional medical consultations. In addition to medication, it is important to take other precautions after surgery, which have to do with proper nutrition and rest, in addition to care for the surgical wound, to allow for proper healing and recovery.

The type of medicine, whether lighter or more potent, varies according to the size of the surgery and the intensity of the pain that each person may experience. However, if the pain is very severe or does not improve with the medications, it is important to go to the doctor for further evaluations or tests to be done.

Thus, the main precautions to relieve pain after surgery include:

1. Pain remedies

Pain medications are usually indicated during and immediately after the surgical procedure by the doctor, and their maintenance may be necessary for days to weeks. Some of the main pain remedies include:

  • Analgesics, such as dipyrone or paracetamol: are widely used for the relief of mild to moderate pain, reducing discomfort and facilitating the performance of daily activities; Anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen, meloxicam or celecoxib, for example: there are several options, in pill or injectable, and are widely used because they relieve pain and decrease inflammation, also reducing swelling and redness; Weak opioids, such as tramadol or codeine: are useful for pain relief that is moderate or does not improve with drugs like paracetamol, as they act more potently on the central nervous system, and are often used in conjunction with other pain relievers, in compressed or injectable; Strong opioids, such as morphine, methadone or oxycodone, for example: they are even more potent, also in pill or injectable form, and can be considered in more intense moments of pain, or when the pain does not improve with previous treatments; Local anesthetics: applied directly to the surgical wound or in places of severe pain, such as the joint or orthopedic surgeries, for example. These are more effective and immediate measures, when the drugs are not enough to relieve the pain.

For the treatment of pain to be effective, treatment with these remedies must be well planned and indicated by the doctor and the drugs must be taken at the appropriate times and never in excess, due to the risk of side effects, such as dizziness, nausea and irritability, for example.

Pain is a common symptom that can arise after any type of surgery, be it as simple as dental, skin or aesthetic, as well as more complex, such as orthopedic, cesarean, intestinal, bariatric or chest, for example. It can be related both to the manipulation of tissues, which become inflamed, as well as to procedures such as anesthesia, breathing by devices or by being in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

2. Homemade measures

In addition to pharmacy remedies, a great home remedy to relieve pain and speed recovery in the postoperative period is to make compresses with ice, in the region around the surgical wound, or in the region of the face, in the case of dental surgery, for about 15 minutes and resting for 15 minutes, which is very useful for reducing local inflammation. It is also recommended to wear comfortable, wide and ventilated clothes, which allow to reduce friction and tightness in the regions that are recovering.

Rest is also essential after surgery. The resting time is recommended by the doctor, according to the procedure performed and the physical conditions of each person, which varies from 1 day for localized aesthetic procedures, up to 2 weeks for cardiac or pulmonary surgery, for example.

Comfortable positions should be sought, with the support of pillows, avoiding staying more than 2 to 3 hours in the same position. The doctor or physiotherapist may also indicate more appropriate activities, such as walking or stretching in bed, for example, as excessive rest is also detrimental to the health of muscles, bones and blood circulation. Check out more tips on how to recover faster after surgery.

3. Care of the surgical wound

Some important precautions with the surgical wound must be guided by the surgeon and nursing staff, as they include dressings and cleaning. Some important tips are:

  • Keep the wound clean and dry; Clean the wound with saline or running water and mild soap, or as instructed by the doctor; Avoid dropping products such as shampoo on the wound; To dry the wound, use a clean cloth or separate towel used to dry the body; avoid rubbing the wound. To remove residues, sunflower or almond oil can be used with a cotton or gauze; Avoid sun exposure for about 3 months, so as not to form scars.

The appearance of the wound should also be regularly evaluated, as it is common to see a transparent secretion for a few days, however, it is important to see the doctor if there is a secretion with blood, with pus or purple signs around the wound.

Also watch the following video and see some tips on how to recover from tonsill surgery:

How to relieve pain after surgery