- Options to increase buttocks
- 1. Exercises
- 2. Treatments with aesthetic devices
- 3. Fat grafting on the butt
- 4. Silicone prosthesis in the butt
To increase glutes quickly, you can practice exercises such as squats, resort to aesthetic treatments to combat cellulite and the fat located at the end of the back, and in the last case, resort to fat grafting or silicone implants.
Exercises can be performed at home or at the gym, however, faster results are achieved at the gym because the weight machines promote more efficient muscle contraction because they respect the correct angle of movement and have weight and resistance, which favor muscle gain.
Aesthetic treatments complement the exercises, because they improve the appearance and shape of the buttocks, leaving a more attractive appearance. Good options are lipocavitation to remove localized fat, radiofrequency, to remove cellulite and give skin more firmness, and endermology, which also eliminates fat and cellulite at the same time.
For those who do not have time to waste, a quick way to increase the butt is to have plastic surgery, placing silicone on the glutes, for example.
Options to increase buttocks
The best options are:
1. Exercises
The exercises indicated include those that work mainly the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles, such as the flexor and extensor chair, in bodybuilding. The gym trainer can recommend doing a set with about 6-10 exercises that work your butt muscles, with more weight and less repetitions, which favors muscle growth.
These exercises can be performed weekly, or at most 2 times a week, because it takes a muscular rest time for the muscle to grow and increase in size. Exercising daily is not recommended because it hinders muscle growth, and can have the opposite effect.
Other exercises that also contribute to make the butt firmer and bigger are skating, running and cycling, which can be indicated for leisure moments.
Eating more protein in the post-workout is also recommended, as well as avoiding foods high in sugar and fat. The protein can be from an animal or vegetable source, and in the case of vegetarians, you can complement the plan with a vegan supplement to have more results.
Check out: 6 squat exercises for glutes that have great results
Is the result definitive? Not exactly, because when you stop training your muscles regress in size, returning to the original. But with the regular practice of physical activity and the intensification of exercises for the glutes, they can remain in the expected size or increase in size.
2. Treatments with aesthetic devices
Aesthetic treatments can help increase volume, as is the case with FES and Russian current, which are electrostimulation devices that recruit a greater number of muscle fibers during use. These equipments can be found in beauty clinics, it doesn't hurt and has many good results.
Other equipment that is also indicated to improve the appearance of the buttocks are lipocavitation, which eliminates localized fat, and radiofrequency, which combats sagging. This equipment can be made weekly or every 15 days, and right after its use it is advisable to perform a manual lymphatic drainage session to maximize its effects.
The therapist will be able to watch your butt and outline an action plan. The results can usually be seen after 3-6 treatment sessions, and as cellulite is multifactorial, adequate nutrition, with little sugar and fat, and the intake of plenty of water and green tea is also indicated, as well as the regular practice of activity physical activity, or the intensification of physical activity.
Is the result definitive? Not exactly. For the results to remain the person should not put on weight or stop practicing physical activity. If this happens, any result achieved with aesthetic devices will be lost.
3. Fat grafting on the butt
Plastic surgery on the butt can be done with a fat graft, removed from the belly or flanks. This is more pleasant for the body than the silicone implant, but part of the fat can be reabsorbed and eliminated from this region.
To perform fat grafting, the plastic surgeon performs liposuction, removing the localized fat from another region of the body, this fat is treated in a machine and then is ready to be grafted into the glutes. The experienced surgeon shapes the shape of the buttocks that the person desires, improving body contour.
Recovery takes a few days, requiring rest, avoiding efforts and having lymphatic drainage sessions to remove excess fluids and facilitate recovery.
Is the result definitive? Yes. Although after a few months there is a small decrease in the glutes after fat grafting, the results remain very close to what is intended.
Learn all about fat grafting here
4. Silicone prosthesis in the butt
The placement of a silicone prosthesis in the buttocks is also a quick option to increase the buttocks, and the result can be seen in approximately 1 month, after recovery from surgery and reduction of local swelling. As in any other surgery this can also have health risks, so there are contraindications that must be respected.
To perform this type of cosmetic surgery, the doctor can make two small incisions in the region closest to the end of the spine and insert the prostheses, previously chosen, immediately observing the new appearance of the glutes. After that the incision is closed and if everything is controlled, the person can go to the room on the same day. The hospital stay is approximately 2 days but the full recovery takes place after 6 months, when there should be no changes in the glutes.
Is the result definitive? Yes. The silicone prosthesis has the most definitive result, because the prosthesis does not change in size and is not related to external factors, however, this type of treatment requires a greater financial investment.
Learn all about silicone surgery on the buttocks