Home Bulls How to use black beans to treat anemia

How to use black beans to treat anemia


Black beans are rich in iron, which is the nutrient needed to fight iron deficiency anemia, but to improve the absorption of the iron in it it is important to accompany the meal, which has black beans, with citrus juice, such as orange juice natural, or eat fruits like strawberry, kiwi or papaya, as a dessert, because these fruits are rich in vitamin C which improves iron absorption.

Another way to make the meal even more nutritious is to make black beans with beets or spinach leaves, because they also contain iron in their composition.

Benefits of black beans

In addition to being indicated to fight anemia, other benefits of black beans include:

  • Help fight cholesterol by being rich in fiber; Prevent cancer by having antioxidants that protect cells; Help fight heart problems by being rich in magnesium; Prevent the appearance of blood clots that cause heart attacks, for example, by having anthocyanins and flavonoids.

In addition, black beans when combined with rice make the meal more complete, as the combination of rice proteins complete the beans' proteins.

Nutritional information of black beans

Components Quantity in 60 g of black beans
Energy 205 calories
Proteins 13.7 g
Fats 0.8 g
Carbohydrates 36.7 g
Fibers 13.5 g
Folic acid 231 mcg
Magnesium 109 mg
Potassium 550 mg
Zinc 1.7 g

Black beans are a very nutritious food rich in protein and low in fats, which can be incorporated into weight loss diets and are also useful for those who want to gain muscle mass.

See more tips to fight anemia at:

How to use black beans to treat anemia