Home Bulls Complete guide on eyelash extension

Complete guide on eyelash extension


Eyelash Extension or Eyelash Extension is an aesthetic technique that provides a greater volume of lashes and definition of the look, also helping to fill in gaps that impair the intensity of the look.

With this technique, it is possible to get rid of the mascara once and for all, as the lashes are always elongated, darkened and bulky, and there is no need to apply products to improve their definition.

Advantages of Eyelash Extension

Some of the benefits of wire to wire eyelash extension include:

  • Increased lash volume; Darkening of the lashes, improving the definition of the look; Fault filling.

In addition, those who resort to the use of this aesthetic technique end up saving time in their day-to-day lives, as there is no longer a need to apply mascara to define and lengthen the lashes.

However, this procedure also has its disadvantages, as there is a need to perform periodic maintenance every 15 days or once a month, in addition to the risk of allergic reactions to glue or the materials used. Therefore, it should only be performed by a trained and certified professional, and the procedure should be interrupted if you feel itchy, burning, strong adhesive smell or discomfort.

How the Technique is Performed

During the process, a paper holder is placed under the eyelashes (also known as Patch ) that facilitate the technician's work, and over 1 to 2 hours using minute tweezers the technician will then separate the natural eyelashes, proceeding to the application of synthetic lashes from wire to wire. To fix each synthetic eyelash, a specific adhesive is used, and the procedure for stretching eyelashes is performed with the client with her eyes closed.

This technique, depending on the preference, can be performed over the entire length of the eyelid or just from the middle, thus giving greater volume and prominence to the strands located on the outside of the eye.

After the first application, to maintain synthetic lashes, it is necessary to carry out maintenance sessions every 2 or 4 weeks, depending on the growth speed of the natural lashes. In cases where there is no desire to maintain eyelash extension, it is recommended not to carry out maintenance sessions, letting the extensions go out gradually as natural eyelash renewal occurs. In addition, it is also possible to remove the extensions in a homemade way, using sweet almond oil, which ends up removing the extensions when left to act for 3 to 5 minutes.

What materials are used to perform the extension

The entire procedure is done using synthetic, silk hair or mink extensions, which differ in price, quality and durability of the material. The best are considered mink extensions, which also make the aesthetic procedure more expensive.

To fix the hairs, already prepared adhesives are used, which must previously be tested on the skin to prevent the emergence of allergy reactions.

Care after putting on Eyelash Extensions

After placing extensions, there are some precautions that are important and that contribute to greater durability, which include:

  • Avoid using mascara, especially waterproof ones; Do not wet the extensions for 12 to 24 hours after application; Do not use oil-based products in the eyelash region; Avoid using makeup removers in the eye area; Do not rub the lashes with your fingers.

When applied correctly by a trained professional, eyelash extensions do not harm or damage natural lashes, this aesthetic treatment is a great option for those who have short or weak eyelashes or for those looking to highlight and define the look.

Complete guide on eyelash extension